A Very Small box With a Side of Insanity to go with.

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*sooo sorry btw guys oh wish me happy birthday on the 1st of Nov*

Yukio POV

I awoke feeling sore all over and cuts and bruises all over me, my glasses shattered on the cold dungeon floor. However it wasn't the pain or seeing my own brothers bleeding or screaming. It was the most cruel thing I mean the most... I can't its was horrible. Soon footsteps followed to feet in front of me.

"Now Yukio, If I'm going to break you in any sort of way, Im going to break you with deprevation. Satan said, then he squatted to get near my face the then grabbed my jaw and did that kissy lip fish face. "Now Do you have any last words?" He asked.

"Fuck you! You Mother Fucker!" I replied I tried to spit but i couldn't.

"I knew it, but that's the best joke I have heard today! and ITS TRUE!" he laughed. "But say a big old hello to the box, your new home!" and just like that a little box with faces on all sides popped in. I blinked and the next thing i know I'm in hell's kitchen without the kitchen.

Everything was dark, absolutely everything. I couldn't see, I couldn't Feel, I couldn't taste or touch. I just floated In the sea of darkness. I couldn't even hear a single thing. I swear I was going insane. I couldn't tell if i was upside down or sideways up? I tried to sleep, oh wait Demons don't need to sleep, or at least in here. I kept looking at my watch to even check still worked so that was good. I had something to look and touch.

I kept dreaming about my past, reliving TV shows. I don't know how many days that went by. Months? years? Decades? I could be in here for minutes or Centuries. I hope not, that would suck. I Liked a girl or was it a boy? was it a boy with brown or black hair? It mightive been green.

I don't know I don't like the color green, It would be better if it was blue. Blue with purple stars? nah, lets make them yellow. That would be better oh wait... what? Since when did i become a fashion designer or one that does hair? I dont know, maybe it was when you started talking to yourself. I have been talking to myself! Am i going Insane? Yes, yes, strawberry short cake going once going twice, Sold to the man in leather!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2015 ⏰

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