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"Hi," I smiled and walked toward where the boys were sitting. I pulled a chair over, and sat backwards on it so that the back of the chair was facing the boys, but I was facing them. I put my hands on top of the back of the chair and rested my head on top of my hands. "How are you?"

"Good," replied Zach. "How are you?"

"I'm good." I said.

"Wait, so," Joel began. "I have a question. Your last name is Bye?"

I giggled. "Yeah. It's kind of weird. But it's a good stage name."

Gabe laughed. "So can I call you Lillybye? Like lullaby?"

"Sure, if you want." I smiled at him. 

We continued talking about everything from acting experience to school and family. As we laughed and chatted, I started to take notice of Gabe more. Conversation came naturally with him. I liked his smile. And his laugh, for that matter. Oh, God. Stop. No. Don't get attached here. You don't even know this guy. You probably aren't even going to get cast. You'll never see any of them after today. I shoved the thoughts into the deepest, darkest part of my brain, along with many other things that I didn't care to think about. 

By the time Cynthia came into the room again, I felt like I had known the boys my whole life. I didn't know how long it had been, but I never wanted to leave. I stood up and prepared to leave.

"Well, Lilly, you've made quite an impression. Thank you for your audition." Cynthia spoke.

"Thank you for having me. I really-" I was cut off by Cynthia.

"We'd like to offer you the role."

"The role...wh-what?" I immediately started shaking.

"The character's name is Jessica. She's the best friend of these boys' characters. That's all I can really tell you about the character or the movie right now. We start filming in West Virginia in a little over a week. That is, if you want the role, of course."

I burst into tears. "Of course I want it!" The boys gathered around me in a group hug as I cried. I desperately reached for my locket and squeezed it. I wiped my eyes, squirmed free from the boys with a little smile, and walked up to Cynthia to hug her.

"Thank you so much." I whispered as she pulled me into a hug.

"You're welcome," she said quietly before she let go and addressed the whole group. "You're all going to have to work hard. Go home and get some rest. I'll see you in a week." She smiled and walked out of the room.

I turned and looked at the boys. I gave them one last excited squeal before running up to them and pulling them all into a group hug again. This was going to be my life for the next five months. And I couldn't wait. 

Super LillyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ