First Day

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I was shaking as I walked onto the set on the first day. This was crazy. Two weeks ago, I was completely normal, and now here I was, in one of the starring roles in this huge movie. I didn't know what to think. I hadn't been allowed to tell anyone except my closest family that I was coming here, because the movie was so top-secret. I didn't even know what the movie was called, but I sensed that it was going to be big. And I was absolutely terrified. 

The one thing that made me feel a little better was thinking about the boys. We had all traded phone numbers on the day of my audition, and I had been talking to all of them nonstop since. They were the best friends I'd had since...well, since Emma. I hadn't known them for long, but I felt close to them. Sometimes you meet someone, and you just know. This was one of those times. 

I wandered around the huge set helplessly. I had no idea where to even begin finding anyone. They had told me to bring whatever I wanted, so a little purple backpack hung off one of my shoulders and I swung my guitar case by my side. I didn't know if there would be any down time to write songs here, but I wanted to be prepared in case inspiration struck. 

Not seeing anyone around, I sat down against a wall and pulled my guitar out. I started strumming softly and humming a melody. I had a sudden, strong urge to sing despite the fact that there were crew members passing by who would certainly hear. I didn't have the most incredible voice, but being a songwriter, I did sing a little bit. I looked around. People buzzed by, mostly unaware of my presence. I lowered my voice to a level just above a whisper and sang slowly.

"Drop everything now, meet me in the pouring rain, kiss me on the sidewalk, take away the pain, 'cause I see sparks fly, whenever you smile," I stopped singing. What I said next was in a low whisper, and I really didn't mean for it to come out. "Whenever Gabe smiles." Wait, what? No. Stop it. You can't do that now. Not on the first day. If you go into this with that attitude, this is going to be a terribly long five months. Well, it was possible that I'd developed a small crush. Or a small obsession. No wait, scratch that. Go with huge obsession. There was just something about him. The way he smiled, the way he laughed. I'd talked with him the most over the past week. And I really, really liked him.

My thoughts were interrupted by choruses of "Lillybye!" and "Oh my God, you're finally here!". I smiled upon turning my head and seeing the boys. 

"Hey, guys." I called from where I was sitting with my guitar. 

"I didn't know you played guitar." Ryan said, taking the guitar from me and plucking at the strings. 

"Well, I do." I replied, desperately trying to keep my eyes off of Gabe. 

"Is this how you write songs?" Riley asked me.

"Yeah. I play piano a little bit, too. But I like writing on the guitar. I mean, I could do either one. I just-" I trailed off and looked down, fully aware that I was rambling. What had I turned into? I had always prided myself on being able to keep my cool and professionalism even in the most stressful of situations. But along comes one boy, and I'm a mess. 

A boy that looked a few years older than me suddenly approached us. "Hi, Lilly?" he asked.

"Yeah, that's me." I smiled at him.

"Hey! I'm Aaron. I'm going to help you get settled here. Do you mind if I interrupt and take you down to your trailer? You guys are going to have to get to work really soon." he smiled. I observed him. He was very attractive, but in a different way than Gabe. His smile was gorgeous on its own, but paled in comparison to Gabe's. Stop comparing him to Gabe. Gabe doesn't like you. It doesn't matter how amazing Gabe is.  He had a friendly air about him. Maybe not quite as friendly as Gabe, but he seemed like someone I could immediately befriend. I trusted him immediately. Just not quite the way I trusted Gabe. 

"Of course." I stood up and started to put my guitar away. 

"I'll take good care of her." Aaron winked at the boys. I smiled and waved at them, and then scurried away to catch up with Aaron, who had already begun walking. I fought the urge to look back. I could feel the boys staring at me. And although I regretted it, I couldn't help but hope that somewhere deep down, Gabe was jealous. 

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 27, 2013 ⏰

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