"why oh, why me?"-Boys

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Danish's POV.

"Rehan fucking Kundra" kia screamed.

"As much as I loved to get laid with you, I won't because your guy would kill me for that" he said mockingly.

"My guy?" Kia replied.

Rehan pointed towards me. She gave a quick glance towards me.

"Oh he . he is just my servant. And sleeping with you will be like a dream come true!" She said turning towards the door!

Servant! She will pay for this!

"Servant?" Rehan said and let out a chuckle.

Do something ! Why don't you speak!

"Servant? Oh, are you referring to the role playing we did last night in the bed?" I ended with a smirk.

That made rehan laugh and kia to shudder.

Kia 1 Dan 2

"What? No...he ..actually.. I" she stuttered. Yet blush was visible on her face.

Dan is back!

Yes he is.

"Mr.Rehan Kundra, mind if I meet my friend?" A voice came behind rehan who was practically blocking the door. He took a step aside. I saw a girl taller than kia. She was wearing a red color dress which ended below her knee and black belt on the stomach. Her long hair. Very I must add. Ended right at her thighs. She looked like a girl with whom you can't flirt. Because if you do, you will surely be punched in your face.

Almost one minute passed and kia did not react. Ananya just stood there with wide smile on her face. And maybe tears in her eyes.

Boy, this girl knows how not to show emotions.

Yes she does. And opposite to her is kia. Tears were rolling down. Yet she stood there frozen.

And besides Ananya were two kids. The boy and girl both were about same age. Kids.

Not really a fan of kids, are we?


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" kia screamed. Loud enough for everyone to shut their ears with their hands.

She ran into her friend and hugged her tightly. I could hear her sob on her friends shoulder.

"How have you been? And what is Rehan doing here? Are these your kids? Wait when did you get married? You didn't even tell me! Are you in contact with sanya or sarah? Dude people back there miss you! You have no clue how good it feels to see after so many years!" Kia trailed off when I placed hand on her shoulder.

"Let them come inside" I said smiling.

"Oh yeah! Stupid me!" She replied and we led everybody to the living room.

"Water?" I asked...everybody nodded yes. I went back into the kitchen and returned with glasses of water.

"This is Jannes, Jason and this beautiful baby is tia ...and they are my brothers kid" Ananya introduced

Hi and hellos followed there after.
"I hope they joining in isn't an issue" ananya said...

"Of course not! I more than glad to have them" kia talked on our behalf. Both the girl turned towards. I smiled as if it were true.

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