A Day To Remember Part two

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Sesshomaru pov

I flew towards my mothers home hoping she could help me with some advice I knocked on the door and held the cat tightly in my arms
" Sesshomaru what are you doing here at this time of day it will be dark soon " my mother scolded looking at me
" mother I need you to help me with something please " I asked looking at her
" fine I'll help but it better be good " she said opening the door wider so I could come in " what do you need help with " she said sitting down
" well I met a girl and I want to give her this " I said holding out the small cat
" oh how cute so the girls a demon "she asked petting the cat
" well I don't know what she is I just met her she came with Inuyasha and his mate " I said looking at my mother
" give me your hand I at least need to see what she looks like " she said griping my hand " I feel like I know her from a long time ago she could be a relative " she said looking up at me
" so your going to help me " I said looking to her for an answer
" yes how could I not help my son when he finds a nice girl he actually interested in marrying " she laughted scratching the cat's ears 
" I never said I was going to marry her " I snapped at her a blush forming on my cheeks
" oh but I want grandchildren you will give me grandchildren right or at least another cat " she said a smirk plastered on her face looking at me
" I haven't even thought about settling down yet but if you help me I may be able to give you a grandchild " I said thinking about settling down with (y/n) starting a family yeah that would be great
" now I'm thinking about .....maybe a walk she would like that " my mother said interrupting my thoughts
" a walk I could have though over that but that would probably bore her " I said looking at her
" no not just any walk but I know a special place that your father took me when we we're younger it was one of the reasons I chose him to marry " she said smiling taking out a map and handing it to me " here this will lead you to this place and remember bring her there the tree will do the rest " she said smiling again handing me back the cat
" what do you mean the tree will do the rest is the tree blessed or something " I asked looking at her confused
" the tree is a tree of great legend it is said that if you take your true love there that the tree will make your love grow even more and that you will be happy together forever you know what legend I'm talking about now don't you my son " she asked placing her hand on my shoulder
" the pure heart tree you've been there " I asked looking shocked at my mother " thank  you if the tree is as beautiful as it is in legend she'll love it " I said hugging her tightly but then letting go clearing my throat " that never happened " I said a serious look on my face
" yeah never happened " she said smiling " now go get your girl you have to get there at sunset for the tree to be in full bloom now hurry " she said pushing me out the door
" alright I'm going I'm going thanks mom " I said hugging her then flying off
" my boys heart is finally thawing you should be proud " she said letting a single tear fall down her face 

Your pov
I walked thought out  the village feeling the eyes of everyone on me making me feel uncomfortable
" Kagome why is everyone staring at me " I asked getting the groups attention
" what are you taking about (y/n) ........oh they are staring I don't know but maybe they are trying to figure out who you are  come on you need to meet lady Kiaday " she said pulling me by my arm I could feel Inuyasha's glare on my back
" (y/n) why don't we talk for a little bit " he said placing a hand on my shoulder tugging me away from Kagome and the group " we'll be back in a little bit I think she needs someone to talk to " he said gripping my shoulder tighter
" y-yeah I need to talk to him " I said looking at Kagome and then at Inuyasha faking a smile
" alright when your done bring her to the shrine so she can meet Kiaday " Kagome said smiling and turning around walking towards a building and going in
" let's go (y/n) I need  to talk to you " he said pulling harshly on my arm
" ow Inuyasha your hurting me " I said looking up at him he was pissed and nothing was going to calm him down we continued to walk into the forest further away from the village as soon as I couldn't see the village I was slammed up against a nearby tree whimpering in pain  " you don't know how hard it is to resist you do you (y/n) " he asked looking down at me smirking slowly starting to kiss my neck
" please Inuyasha stop you have Kagome " I said trying to push him away but he didn't move an inch
" yes I do but your much better to play with and you'd never tell her in fear she would kick you out of her friend group " he said looking in my eyes that were filled with tears " p-please Inuyasha I want to  leave please let go " I said begging I could see the regret in his eyes as he let go
" what do we do now " I asked looking back at the village looking around
" you still need to meet
Kiaday so let's go " he said looking around to this  been happening since I meet Inuyasha I don't want to but I can't resist it I mean I want to keep my limbs but when it started I didn't know he was with Kagome when we started this he never told me but I just crave him but I don't want to hurt Kagome so a little while ago I told him that I was no longer his play thing but knowing him and his temper he still gets his way mostly by pulling me away from people and pulling me back into temptation but not anymore I'm going to find a way out of this
" oh (y/n) your back great this  is  lady Kiaday the priestess of this village " Kagome said startling me
" oh it's nice to meet you lady Kiaday " I said smiling at her she was looking  at me the same way the other villagers did 
" I now know the reason for the reason the people Of this village are looking at her the way they are " she said walking around me "this girl has a kind heart and a kind sprit she looks as though she could be a priestess  " Kiaday said looking at me smiling " do you know who your parents are " she asked looking at me
" no I was raised by my aunt but she recently passed so I'm living with Kagome for right now " i said looking at Kagome confused .....wait did she call me a priestess 

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