Eleanor's Lament

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Sit down now and calm yourselves

For this will not last for long

But it must be told and told tonight

Before the midnight song


Fear not for the tale before you

Lies but in the past

Its hunger has long been sated

Its players have all been cast


I will reveal the tale

And I will recite it right and true

And tell it as the lines have run

Within the crimson hue


Tell me more my Eleanor

Tell me what you will

And know that I love you so

So much that I will kill


In her hair were auburn curls

That bounced along the shore

Oh, what emerald eyes

Were our Eleanor


A pleasant smile an alluring gait

She held along the boards

Inspiring without intent

As she wandered along the shores


She stepped down from the boards

And walked along the sands

And tilt her head toward heaven

As the wind blew her curls to strands


She stood upon the border there

Between the sand and the sea

Gazing out with a longing

And with a whisper set it free


Her yearning seemed so simple

A meager thing to ask

For her wistful dreams were of love

A love to always last


What burning were the fire's

How upon her soul they pour

Oh, what love's desires

Were our Eleanor

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