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Stagnate hollow cries, flourish solid from the wood

And I began to understand, that they were all misunderstood


My desire to assist, only ignites my solemn cumber

But pushes me much closer, as it pulls me from my slumber


As I stand within my own, unable to support

And gain the strength needed, before my bravery was thwart


The cries called out again, sheer silent in the night

And through the blinding glow, a vision I caught sight


There within this vision, darkness did unfold

A searing sight to see, but the blossom it was cold


Once again I staid, excited in my thought

Fearful of the night, that myself I could not wrought


The rule it was gone, it unfolded as it will

Do I run for my life, or am I standing there still


Then the reflection it was gone, and the disdain became clear

As the cries came again, causing thoughts to cohere


And as these thoughts dispersed, my mind slowly did amass

As the fear ran up behind, and I moved to let it pass


What anguish was being contrived, and what delight did it bring

And what hell was in the silence, between the songs that they sing


The vision it still blazed, foreign from my home

As I stared through the glass, neglectful to roam


Then darkness from within, outside it dilate

Till my heart nearly stopped, and my breath abbreviate


The shadow it raises high, dwarfing my lair

As I closed my eyes and pray, that it really wasn't there


Upon my humble dwelling, revealing slowly did swathe

As I turned in uncertain circles, like wood upon the lathe


I grabbed my hair and pulled, as I pushed the fear within

Then I heard there in the silence, the crying once again


Sounds without pleasure, a mournful kind of whine

The I saw within the glass, that the screaming it was mine


Then the shadow it grew silent, within the cadence of my call

Terror TalesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon