Chapter 2:the tutor

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Sorry about my crappy drawing...💧
It was to get an better image of the descriptions...I'll try to get better...and try to imagine a young version of the person

On ward with the story...

Her alarm clock rang the.morning came and she stretched herself  and prepared herself on brushing her teeth and changing clothes she descended and got into the kitchen and started cooking she decided that it would be an traditional old styled Japanese breakfast with rice,miso soup,tamagoyaki and etc.
Her mother descended after that she finished

"um...tsu-chan sorry to ask this but did you fell an presence outside your room yesterday night?"nana asked with doubt in her voice

"presence? that I think about it yes..."a question mark appeared over head when she thought about it
"well I felt it when I got to sleep but it disappeared quickly"

"did you discover who it was.Mama?"

"almost when it disappeared"

"hm~was it familiar to you?"

"yes but I can't put my finger on it I think it's someone I worked with or maybe talked..."


"hm?i'll get it...and...this presence is the same as yesterday's"

She got in front of the door

'this presence where I felt it before...?'tsuna thought as she got to the door
She opened the door receiving an side kick at her right but she grabbed the leg quite fast stopping at the side 'it's quite the heavy kick wait... no kick it's stronger than someone other than...'

"good defense dame-tsuna"the unknown figure retreated and took a step back also revealing who it was

it was a young female voice she was wearing a white buttoned shirt a black coat with a black pleated skirt,a black tie,black boots with an gray bracelet with an neon yellow pacifier with linings it was a little covered by her sleeve she had black onyx eyes that any person would lose themselves on them she wasn't even wearing make up but yet...
She was really beautiful she has long black hair That goes to her middle-back plus she had an fedora hat with an orange strap

"it's really you ciere"tsuna smiled at her

"yeah been quite the while dame-tsuna"the girl ciere raised her hands to her hat in greeting

"want to enter?"tsuna joked

"of course lead the way"the girl smirked as she saw what tsuna did.'insolent girl'

Ciere entered the house her true full name is rinascere Sonnenflamme maggiore "ciere" is her nickname to make more simpler to call she only let people call her by the nickname by those she allowed it she is the world's greatest hitwoman.(more details later in the story)
"oh!!then it was you ciere I was recognizing that presence somewhere".said nana surprised

"your senses became dull nana that's not like you"said ciere huffing also crossing her arms at her

"yup I didn't practice for so long that I forgot"nana said sheepishly and she added 

"oh have a seat"

"thanks..."said her with an smile and the same greeting she did earlier

"I'll make your favorite espresso and are you hungry?"nana asked to ciere

"hm...I admit that I am a little hungry"ciere admitted with a blank expression that no one could read but she nodded to reinforce her response

"hm then the same of always?"

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