How to save a life

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Jordan pov:

A violent chill passed through my body. Why had it suddenly got so cold? Blindly, my hands sought out my little vampire. Why wasn't she there? Turning on the light I squinted, the brightness burning my eyes. Frantically looking around the room I spotted her, huddled up in a frozen ball.

Falling out of bed I rushed to her side and pulled her into my lap. Her deathly cold bit me when I touched her. Never before had she been so pale of so cold.
"Thana! Thana! Wake up!"
Her dark eyelashes fluttered as she struggled to open her eyes.
Her bright blue eyes met my dark green ones. Bile rose in my throat at the idea of how much pain she must be in.
"I'm going to fix this Thana." I said courageously, getting up I went to the corner in which I had left the medical kit, ignoring her soft pleas for me not to do anything stupid.

Once I was done setting what I needed up I returned to her side.
"Now kitten you are going to listen to Jordan and be a good little vampire, understood?"
Annoyance crossed her delicate features, her eyes narrowed and she bit the inside of her cheek. Such a predictable creature. Her rosy lips opened as she began to protest giving me a chance to press my freshly cut wrist against her open mouth.

Confusion spread over her face before shock and dismay took its place. She attempted to force my wrist out of her mouth before her instinct took over. Her eyes took on a glazed appearance as she lost control and started to suckle on my wrist, her tongue brushing against the open wound. I gently petted mer hair as she softly fed from me, her eyes gradually turning to the dark maroon colour that showed she was fed.

The gleam returned to her eyes, her hands wrapped themselves around my wrist and her tongue's intentions changed, her venom slowly stitching my skin back together. Tenderly she pulled my wrist from her mouth her eyes carefully watching me.
"You shouldn't have done that Jordan..."

"Yes I should have and I would do it again." I muttered as I pulled the elastic band up my arm and readied the iron supplement injection. Soft hands covered mine, I looked up at Thana who was taking the needle from me. She met my eyes and gave me a small smile before professionally pressing it into my vein and pushing the plunger down.

Quickly I put away the rubbish before collecting my little kitten in my arms and carrying her to bed.
"You know I can walk Jordan?"
I couldn't help but chuckle at her feistiness. "No little kitten I won't give you another chance to escape me." Stumbling into bed I pulled her onto my chest. "Please stay with me this time? Please?"
A soft sigh passed over her lips as she snuggled into my chest. "Ok."


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