Let us begin

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Thana's gown.

Thana POV:

Pulling away from Jordan I managed to fall out of the bed and end up on the floor. "Mathilda....." Looking up I met her amused gaze.
"I always have the greatest timing don't I?" Her chucking voice filled the once silent room with unexpected noise. "Uh Thana I think your venom has worn off..."
Turning towards Jordan I noticed his pale face and and shaking body. Grabbing the blood and the iron supplement I went to his side and expertly injected the supplement and attached the blood bag. Pulling at his body I positioned him so he was lying down with his head in my lap, softly stroking his hair I turned back to Mathilda.
"Any reason in particular that you are here?" I asked still feeling bitter that she and the others hadn't kept their promise to the agreement that we had made. Her eyes darted away as she shifted uncomfortably.
"They have set a date for your trial... It's today.."

My limbs froze up. Jordan's warm breathe gently tickled my skin as his body slowly replenished, the colour gradually filtering back into his skin. Mathilda sighed clicked her fingers which caused Alphosine to enter the room two clothing bags draped over her arm.
"We have been tasked with getting you ready for the trial, Thana I will stay here and help Jordan get done but we require you to leave with Alphosine and get ready elsewhere."
All I could manage was a stiff nod as I moved Jordan from my lap, a soft protest coming from his weak body. Pressing my lips to his temple I rose on unsteady legs. This way likely the last time we would see each other freely. Either one of us or both of us would be dead by this afternoon.
"Look after him please?" I begged Mathilda who responded with a brisk nod.

Following Alphosine out of the cell I tried to ignore the groans and the pleas from Jordan to stop and come back to him. Opening another door I was ushered into another cell by Alphosine.
"The shower is safe." Most would think that rarely speaking would result in a croaky unclear voice when speaking, but for Alphosine it was the complete opposite, I still haven't figured as to why she doesn't speak much.
"Thank you Alphosine"

After a brisk shower I re-entered the main room, Alpha held out a gown a shoes that would be considered gorgeous but in the moment all I wanted to do was be by my mates side. Sitting down after getting dressed I let Alphosine rush around quickly working my hair and makeup to perfection.  Reaching out to the mating bond I felt my mates increased stress and anxiousness unfortunately due to the lack of mating I couldn't tell what was making my mate upset.
Looking at the mirror reluctantly all I need was the glamor this coven required for murder.

An eerie clanging of a bell started to filter through into the cell, the trail was about to start.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2015 ⏰

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