the beginning

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I'm alone and i wonder how long it'll be like this. Me having no family no pack no home. I sit here and just stare at the waterfall and i can still remember that day as if it were yesterday. The day he ran me away from the only place I have ever called home. The only place that holds the closest thing to family I have left.

Flashback Two yrs ago:

"Kim!" i can here my mother scream as he rips out her throat. She was trying to protect me from him. So i run. I run faster than I ever thought I could possibly run. He sees me and drops her body like it was nothing. You would never have guessed that was her mate, my father, trying to kill me. Yes you herd me right. My father, the Beta of the pack wants me dead. 

"Kimberly! Dont run from me! You know ill catch you eventually."
I look back one last time but i never stop running. The minute I stop will be the day that I lose my life. 
"You are worthless to me! An abomination! No daughter of mine will be an Alpha" he spit the words out as if it were the worst possible thing. As if my ranking some how disgusted him. I paused for a split second but recovered quickly I had no choice.
End flash back

He chased me til my feet bled that day. That day was the day me and my mom told him that i had alpha blood running through my veins. He thought my mom had cheated on him and so he killed her and he's probably still searching for me.

Its crazy how one simple thing can change the course of the rest of yur life.

Ive been hiding in these woods for 2yrs now. Running never staying still for too long. Never giving him the chance to find me if he is still looking.

Ive been all over the world staying hiden for the most part only making myself known when necessary. whether its protecting someone or myself or just plain old hunting. 

Now its time to go back and face the pack i left behind. The Clear Water Pack.To face my father. And become the alpha i am destined to be. Its time for me to face my past.

THE ALPHAS RETURN (ON HOLD: EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now