Chapter Twenty Six

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*Amy's P.O.V.*

Karma and I walk in, holding hands of course, while Shane and Liam are on one side of us and Lauren's on the other. I've never really shown this to any of them, but since my dad was in the military, whatever time we'd have together he'd spend teaching me how to shoot or just being my dad. So... I'm gonna kick ass in this.
We all walk in the room, and it's quite dark. We have laser guns and we're wearing these chest plates with red light up centers. We can't see the other team, but they're surely waiting on the other side. The room is too dark to see much else, until the PA comes on and the lights brighten a bit.

A voice sounds over the speakers, "Alright, as you all should all know, the objective of the game is to find a code hidden in this room, while not getting hit but hitting the other team with your guns. However, if you do get hit, your chest will light up and you must lay down and play dead. We have marked spots on the floor for each player before the game starts. Pick one and stand on it." We all move to our own little square on the floor and stand there. "Now, each team has their own code in different colors corresponding with their vests and guns, hidden in different locations. The first team to enter their code on the monitor located in the center of the room wins. That's pretty much it, play fair, no fighting, wait for the bell to go off before moving, and happy laser games."
The lights dim once more. We all wait until we hear a 'ding' to move, and I gather them all behind short wall right in front of us. We're all crouched down, and I give them instructions so they're not so lost. "Shane and Lauren, you go to the right. Liam and Karma, you guys go left. I'll go right up the center, and so help me Liam if you try anything I'll be there to shoot you with an actual gun."
He puts his hands half way up so they're not showing over the wall and says, "Okay. Point made. Stay away from Karma."
I motion them all to go to their positions except I grab Karma before she leaves. I lean in next to her ear and whisper, "Tell me if he tries anything, okay?" I lean back, and she nods to me. I give her a small kiss and say, "Alright, head out there soldier." with a little smirk. I watch as she walks out of my view. After I can't see her anymore, I hop over the short wall and walk while crouching through the center. Someone who looks familiar, but I can't quite remember, pops out from behind a wall and points his gun at me. He must recognize me too, because he instantly squints his eyes to see if it's me.

"Alex, is that you?"

Shit. "Yeah, Michael it?"

"Yeah, I thought it was you." I nonchalantly pulled my gun up, and shot him. "Dude!"

"It's just a game, no hard feelings." I walked away, as he laid down. Making my way to the closest wall, I pressed my back to it. I could hear footsteps moving, they were going right past me. I snuck out from behind it, and saw a guy trying to sneak up on Karma and Liam. I pulled up my gun, and aimed directly at the center of the target on his back, and fired a laser. He groaned and laid down unsatisfied right there, pressed up against the wall.

*Karma's P.O.V.*

I was walking with Liam, who surprisingly didn't try anything with me. I had slightly turned my head to peek around the corner, thinking I heard footsteps. I saw a guy laying on the ground out of the corner of my eye and on impulse, turned around to look at him. To my surprise, Amy was standing there holding her gun close to her face, blowing on one end. I, being the obsessive girlfriend I am, felt like it was three forevers ago when I last saw her and decided to jump her. I wrapped my arms around her, and pulled one leg up. My head was on her shoulder the whole time, but I knew she was showing off to Liam because she had me and not him.

She really shouldn't do that. Yeah, I don't like the guy much either but I still need him to help my parents. Besides, what do I do once they get out of prison? When we get the bail money, we'll have no job, and no money. It's embarrassing. Also being hated by pretty much everyone in Hester High besides Amy, Shane, and Liam. Lauren was iffy.

Afterwards, I pulled myself out of embrace with her, and instantly grabbed her hand. I pulled her along so that we could walk side by side with Liam and I already know she's probably the only one who's good at this. She tries to keep it under wraps that she's good at shooting but she sometimes forgets I'm her best friend, and I know like everything about her. It's because her dad taught her when she was younger and over the years she just went with it. Although she loves him, I despise his ethic. He only comes into her life whenever he's around, and he's done this ever since she was old enough to remember. She looks past it because it's her dad, and she's only got one, but he's barely been there for her. She's 16 for God's sake and he's missed more than half of her life. We made our way onto a walkway above the previous ground. There were little walls so we could avoid getting hit by crouching. So that's exactly what we did. With Amy in front and Liam in the back, we walked along the catwalk in a line. Eventually I passed a little thing that stood out to me. There was something red stuck onto part of the wall. 62481.

Shit. This was the code we're looking for. I stopped, making Liam crash into me, and I whisper called to Amy, "Babe, I found the code."

She turned around and told me, "Alright, let's get down from here then we'll type it in."

Once she said that, I peeled the code off the wall, and turned to go back down the stairs. After we all got down the stairs, we got up and started slowly pacing our ways to the center to get to the monitor. I put the code in as it was typed on the paper, and just like that. I was shot. My chest blared just before I could hit enter. I had to lay down next to the monitor, while Amy stepped in and hit enter. Just after, the lights brightened a bit and I got up. The monitor read "Congratulations, Red Team!"

Shortly after, a voice blared over the intercom and said, "Congrats on your win, red team. Come to the counter at the front for your prizes."

We followed the instructions, and I grabbed Amy's hand, intertwining our fingers. We all walked up to the counter and the cashier from earlier reached behind the counter for the prizes. This gave us time to check out our scores.

Red Team

Amy: Two Kills, 100% Accuracy
Karma: Zero Kills, 100% Accuracy, Dead
Lauren: One Kill, 45% Accuracy
Liam: Zero Kills, 0% Accuracy, Dead
Shane: Zero Kills, 0% Accuracy, Dead

Blue Team

Chad: Zero Kills, 0% Accuracy, Dead
Duke: One Kill, 75% Accuracy, Dead
Joel: Zero Kills, 100% Accuracy
Michael: Zero Kills, 100% Accuracy, Dead
Sam: Two Kills, 100% Accuracy

Amy did the best, just like I thought. Well, she tied with whoever that guy Sam is.

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