Chapter 3

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Levy walked through the boutique. She wasn't one for frilly dresses, just a simple sun dress. Much to her surpise, she saw that boy. He was grumbling while pushing diffrent suits aside. "I don't know how to dress for this thing!" Gajeel grumbled. Levy tapped his shoulder. He turned around and jumped. 'O-oh Shrimp!" He looks at her.  She pouted and crossed her arms. "I have a name ya know." Levy huffed. "Like I'll use it." He laughed. Levy looked at the shelf and pulled a suit off. "This one looks nice." She smiled and handed it to him.  He checked the tag and was impressed it was his size. "Nice Shrimp!" He ruffled her hair. "Thanks Drago." She smirked. He rose an eyebrow and Levy giggled. "I saw that case of yours." She slipped a hand into his back pocket and pulled out his phone. It had a case with a iron dragon, with ruby red eyes, much like his. He blushed and took it. "W-well yer a shrimp!!" He rubbed the phone on his faace and put it back in his pocket.

Gajeel followed Levy back to the dresses, even though she didnt want him too. She searched through doens of dresses while Gajeel looked at another shelf. He stared ata dress for about 20 minutes as she searched. It was a si8mple dress, it had a red checkered bow collar, a lacy top above the breats,and a wrap around the waist. "S-shrimp, what about this one?" He took it off the shelf and Levy's eyes widened. "I-its amazing!!" She took it and shuffled to the changing room. Gajeel stood outside and waited for her. She came out and Gajeel's eyes started at her creamy pale legs, then went up to her face.  He couldn't believe the feeling in his stomach. It felt... empty. "What do you think?" She asked. "I-its amazing.. sh-II-iimp..." His voice cracked as he said her nickname. She blushed and did a curtsy before changing into her normal clothes. Something was wrong, and Gajeel was determined to stop it.

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