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I woke up to sounds of distress from below. The cries getting progressively louder as they came closer and closer, I was not yet able to open my eyes. their was a loud crash somewhere in the room. Everything was dark. I was being attacked by what I could not tell. I was not able to move. What happened last night where am I. Then it all stopped. I could hear nothing over the sound of my heart beating inside my chest. Then the footsteps, like a clap of lightning striking a tree. They came closer, every stomp as menacing as the last, finally stopping right by my head. I felt strong hands lift me off the ground I still could not see but was gaining the ability to freely move my limbs. I heard the voice of a man but could not distinguish his words. he spoke again sounding angrier with each word he spoke, but it was still unrecognizable. I tried to tell him that I didn't understand but I was not able to speak. He shook me as if to wake me up. "were too late" I heard him, I understood. I needed to give him a sign to say he wasn't too late, to say that I was alive. then in an instant I had gained the ability to function normally. You're not too late I shouted to the set of five strangers before me. The men all turned around stunned to see me running towards them.

Who are you I asked. "You don't remember us," the tallest one said. I wouldn't of asked who you were otherwise I stated sounding slightly annoyed. "I'm Austin ," the tallest one said sticking out his hand for me to shake. I declined, which caused him to frown. Someone with a slight ascent, from where I couldn't tell, said his name was Oliver but to call him Oli instead. The thin and lanky guy's name was Remington and the other two guys where named Alex and Jack. The guy's explained to me that I was kidnapped from our base about two months ago and how we where rebelling from the controller who controls the whole world. okay one more question ... who am I. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy which I guess losing all your memories of any and everything it qualifies as crazy, but still. "Are you serious?" Austin questioned. "Of course i'm serious why do people keep asking me that?" I shouted. You're are Castor Hetfield, you're the controller's son and the leader of the rebellion. You where captured during one of the raids to release those who where held captive by the controller. The captured escaped but you were nowhere to be found. We thought you had been executed or they wiped your mind in hopes you would blindly follow them, but clearly they failed. I finally decided to take in my full surroundings there was never ending field of sand and rock surrounding me. A ways away their where small crumpled up bodies which where probably the things that had attacked me earlier. I looked down to see my arms and legs covered in scratches and scars both big and small. Oli came over to examine, clean, and cover my wounds." None of them our very deep we got the controlled of you before they did any real damage" Oli stated. he patted me on my back and I let out a bloodcurdling scream. Oli quickly lifted the back of my shirt up to reveal around 20 large gashes and welts like those you would get from being hit by a whip repeatedly. "these are fresh and need to be treated immediately," Oli said his voice filling with worry.

Oli had me lay down on my stomach while he cleaned, stitched, and dressed my wounds as best as he could while we were in the middle of nowhere. I passed out from all the pain, as he had no type of anesthetic on hand.

Where were you last night?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin