I woke up in a room that felt familiar to me though I couldn't quite put my finger on as to why it made me feel this way seeing as I have no recollection of being here at all ever. I left the room to go and find Austin and the rest of the guy's and to explore this place a little bit although it feels like I know exactly where im going and find all the guy's almost instantly. I was about to walk right in until I realized they were talking about me and decide to listen in hopes of getting any information that they might be hiding. "How are we gonna get him to remember anything!" Remington exclaimed. What if he's a spy for them!" Shouted Austin. "What is that supposed to mean? " cried Oli.  Thats when I noticed Oli has been crying and I wondered why. I then decided to enter the room fully making sure they hear me. Oli almost instantaneously clearing of tears or any other sign that he had been crying. "what's going on guys " I say as if I hadn't just heard a majority of the conversation. they all sat their looking at each other like they were hiding something because well they were.      " what are you trying to hide, I'm still the leader whether my memories gone or not so tell me what is going on now!" I screamed at all of them and they all looked me like I had never screamed at them like that before and for all I know I haven't. and that scared me to death. Oli seemed the most affected by my little outburst. was there something going on between us. No one made any attempt to speak. "well?" I said getting annoyed. Austin spoke up this time " Were trying to figure out a way to get your memories back." "thank you for your answer ,but one more question why does Oli look like I just killed his puppy and why was he crying?" I questioned. "I wasn't crying," Oli mumbled. "Yes you were I saw you when I walked in, You guy's don't need to lie or accuse me of being a fuc.king spy for my father! "I bellow. All the guys but Oli looked down in shame," Yeah that's right I heard you before I walked in here. I would never in my life work for that evil man. Even with no fucking memory I knew to get the he.ll away from there." 

After my rant everyone but Oli left. "why where you crying," I ask again. He responds by leaning down in front of me and pulled me in for a kiss. After he pulled away he took of while I sat there completely shocked. after the shock of the kiss wore of I could feel the rush of memories coming in to the forefront of my mind. I ran after Oli. I knew where he wold be      " Our room is not the best hiding place love," I say Imitating his wonderful accent. " how did you know this was our room," he asks with tear in his eyes. I walk over and sit on our bed next to him and wipe the tears that fall from his beautiful hazel eyes and said "they're coming for us."



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2018 ⏰

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