Dance Party

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Chapter-22: Dance Party

*Jayde's POV*

Kellin has decided that he wants to have a party tonight and I am honestly okay with that. I could use a good distraction from previous events that had taken place earlier this evening. I decided to text the crew and let em' know that there was a party at my house. Whether they decided to show up or not was their decision. There is about to be like 15 bands and 50 other people. I paged the maid through the intercom and told her to meet me in my room.

I started to get my stuff ready for my shower when there was a knock on my bedroom door. I opened the door with a smile. "Hello Kate, I have a huge favor to ask you and if you agree I will give you a weeks vacation and a $200 bonus," I said. "Yes Miss Murray?" She asked sweetly. I hated doing this, I loved Copeland so much I wish I could spend every moment with her but I didn't want to be that irresponsible parent.

"Can you watch Copeland for the night? Take her to the guest house, please? Kellin wants to have a party and I need some time to enjoy myself but I don't want to be that irresponsible parent," I said quietly while looking down at my feet. I felt so ashamed and so selfish. But I can't be depressed all the time, I have to at least try and have a good time. Plus I don't want Copeland to see all these drunk people. "Of course Miss Murray, I would be more than happy to watch Copeland for you while you enjoy your night. And don't worry about the bonus or the vacation. You treat me well and that's all I could ask for, I enjoy my job, if I didn't I wouldn't be working for you," Kate said. What a relief. But next paycheck she is definitely getting a raise whether she likes it or not.

"Thank you so much. You have no idea how grateful I am. It means so much to me that you would do this last minute and don't worry it won't be a re-occurring thing either. Here is her bag," I handed her the bag, "she shouldn't be any problem at all. I would honestly just pop in a movie or out on Mickey and she will be fine," I said. I walked over to the bed and picked Copeland up. She yawned.

"You be good for nanny Kate, okay baby girl? You and nanny Kate are going to have a slumber party, I will see you in the morning. Then maybe, you, daddy and I can go out for breakfast, okay? I love you princess," I said while kissing her forehead. "Okay momma, I wuvv you too," she said and kissed my cheek before I handed her to Kate. "Thank you again," I said to Kate, she just nodded and walked away. I let a tear fall from my face. I'm such a mess. I sighed and grabbed my clothiers and headed to my bathroom to take a shower and get ready for the party.

*Damon's POV*

I was hanging out with Mariah and Jeydon when suddenly our phones went of simultaneously. We all shot each other wierd looks and pulled out our phones. I looked down at my phone, unlocking the screen and checking the text.

From: AaaaFrankaSkank<3(:

Party at my house. Bands, booze and music. Come join the party. Starts at 10. Xx

"So are we going to the party or what?" I asked. I could sense a little tension in the air since Mariah used to have a thing for Kellin and Jeydon, well he still isn't over Jayde. "We should go, everyone will be there and Jayde will be kind of pissed if we don't show up. Regardless of all the shit, she still is our bestfriend and always will be, plus she needs us. It's like she is going through a midlife crisis," Jeydon said. Mariah and I kind of just gaped at him. Did he really just say that? Wow.

••••• an hour later •••••

We walked into Jayde's house and holy shit was it packed. There must've been about 40 bands and 200 people. I spotted Black Veil Brides, Sleeping With Sirens, Pierce The Veil, All Time Low, Memphis May Fire, and Falling in Reverse all playing a game of shots. Jayde had music blasting through the surround sound. The song playing was King For A Day by Pierce The Veil ft. Kellin.

"I'll be around I'm just gonna hang out, see you later love," I said to Mya as I began walking away. I walked over to Deuce, the ex lead singer of Hollywood Undead.

"Hey man, what's good?" He asked, pulling me into a bro hug. "Oh not much, just the usual. Making videos, touring the country," I said laughing. "How bout you?" I asked, curious a to what he's been up to. "Oh you know, just writing lyrics, laying down tracks and partying," he said taking a shot. I popped open a blue raspberry Smirnoff. "Any special girl?" Deuce asked me. I took a couple swigs of my Smirnoff and nodded. "Yeah, she's beautiful. Her name is Mariah and she is very intelligent," I said smiling.

"Awe, Fizzy's in love!" Deuce shouted. "No man, not in love, yet. I mean I love her but not in love yet. Too soon for that shit, I don't let myself fall easy, you know that man," I said.

"So what does she look like?" He asked. "She has blue eyes, brown hair but heavily highlighted with blonde. She's so beautiful," I replied smugly.

"Oh really, well why is she kissing Kellin?" He asked. What? She wouldn't! Would she? I followed his gaze and sure enough, there she was with Kellin's arms wrapped around her tiny waist.

Way to crush my heart.

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