Chapter Five- They think we're renegades.

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Chapter Five- They think we're renegades.

Parker's POV.

"Where's my brother?!" I heard the familiar voice of my sister echo through the halls and into the interrogation room. I looked up even though I couldn't see into the rest of the building. Melissa sounded scared; I had only heard or seen her that scared once.

"Ma'am you need to calm down." That was Connor.

Wait for it.

"Don't tell me to calm down; my fucking brother was just arrested for murder!" She paused for the slightest second "and don't call me ma'am. You know exactly who I am." The last sentence had so much venom in it, even from in another room I could tell that.

I didn't hear anything for a moment until the door opened and there stood Agent Morgan. I couldn't see Melissa or Connor "Time to go Parker."

"Where?" I asked but he didn't answer. He walked towards me removing the hand cuffs from around my wrists so I was no long attached to the table but only to replace them with ones he had on his bet across from his glock.

He escorted me out of the interrogation room with my hands behind my back and that's when I saw my frazzled and angry sister, she was standing across from Connor and it looked as if they were arguing but they were almost whispering so I couldn't hear them. This was strange, why wasn't she screaming at him like I would be if she was in this position. Once she caught a glimpse of me she stopped the argument and dashed towards me "Jake!" she squealed almost bursting an ear drum.

Connor soon followed her "Melissa you need to stand back."

"Since when are you on a first name basis with my sister?" I glared at him but his demeanor stayed the same.

Melissa ignored my comment and spoke up "Jake, what's going on? They said you killed someone? I know you didn't. How could they have messed up something this big?" she had a tendency to ramble when she was stressed.

"Mel, calm down. I'm innocent and even this idiot knows that." I gestured towards Connor who didn't seem to like my comment.

"What about Alex? Where is she?"

That was a good question.

"Agent Colson left a few hours ago for a flight to London with Elliot Copeland." The director's voice was like nails on a chalk board when those words left his mouth.

"What?" Mel and I said in unison.

"Who's Elliot Copeland?" Mel questioned.

"The director of the CIA." Morgan chimed in.

"Why is Alex going back to London with the director of the CIA?" Mel thought she was working for the FBI and so did I, until Colson showed up on my door step to tell me otherwise right before I was arrested for murder.

"He's her boss." I told her. It wasn't exactly on a need to know basis anymore.

Mel looked shocked, her eyes widened and she looked from Connor then back to me "She works for the CIA? Then if she outranks everyone in this room then why the hell isn't she hear helping you?" her voice changed from worry to anger.

Before anyone else got the chance to say anything the director ordered Morgan to remove me from the building as I was escorted towards the exit I heard my sister begin to argue with Connor once again and the last thing I heard before we exited the building was "Don't worry Jake I'll get you out!"

The handcuffs felt tight around my wrists, tighter than they should be. Morgan didn't seem too pleased to be the one escorting me and neither did I. "I'm innocent, you know that right?" I asked him.

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