Chapter 2

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"So where are you from?" Jonah asked.

"New York City." Tatum said.

"And what brings you out here?" Jonah asked curiously.

"Well i study photography at NYU and i came out here for hopefully some good chances for pictures." She smiled.

"Ive always wanted to go to New York." Jonah said.

"Yeah I grew up dreaming about living there and studying at NYU and now im finally living it." She beamed with happiness.

Jonah sighed, "Must be nice, living your dream."

Tatum didnt catch on to Jonahs sorrowful tone.

"I dreamed of drinking coffee on my bed with a plush white duvet and white brick walls and a cozy loft right in the heart of the city and a man to love me and cherish me and kiss me and ne-" 

Jonah cut her off before he let her finish, "The hotel lobby is to your right. Best of luck to you and your photography." She grabbed her bags and got out then Jonah sped off.

He slammed on the steering wheel. He couldnt take another happy ending when his seemed so far away. He drove straight home and thankfully for him his mother was asleep and he didnt have to deal with any lectures. He went up to his room and laid on his bed. Yet another night where he seemed trapped and alone. He got up and took of his shirt and revealed his scars. He ran his fingers over them gently, with each touch he twitched and the memories still stung. All Jonah needed was something or someone to make him feel whole again. To make him feel loved.

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