chapter 1

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The next morning I didn't feel like coming out of my bedroom, better yet opening my eyes.

I literally felt like I had my legs de-catptated from my body. But as usual jack hated seeing me like this. 'Jeff~' I ignored him and turned over making my back face him. He groaned. 'Jeff.' I ignored. Then I looked at him. 'Dude wake up' he shook me a bit. 'Cmon please~' I frowend and said. 'Carry me then' he chuckled and picked me up bridal style.

He carried me into the lounge room. He laid me on the couch and sat in front of me. He was sitting on the floor right in front of my legs. He turned on bens PS3 and put on,

Friday the 13th part II

He looks sad all though. I wearily took my hand and placed it gently on his shoulder. 'Jack...' He looked up at me surprised. 'Y-yes Jeff' I sighed. 'Nothing you just looked...a..a know...depressed thats all' he looked down to the white carpet under him. ' fine...I guess' I nodedd my head. Then drew my attention to the TV and watched as Jason went on murdering peaple.

Then jack said. 'Hey Jeff?' I looked back at him. 'Yes jack' 'are you a homephobe' I shook my head. 'No why?' He paused the TV and got closer to me. 'I.. I think...I'm in' I stared at him -(some how) - in shock.

I looked down at my hands then looked back up at him, he who had a sad and worried expression on his face. I pulled him into a hug and whisperd in his ear. 'I love you too jack' he hugged back as if to say "thank god" I hugged him tight as well. Then he said. 'You have no idea how much I've been wanting to hear you say that' I pulled back and looked into his eye holes. 'You have no idea how much I've been wanting to say that'

He leant in a bit causing my cheeks to make a slight tiny of pink appear on them.

Eventually we were in the middle of a passionate kiss. At least until glitchy red walked in. 'Oh...look if it isn't the sook and the faggot' both of us shot back causing me to fall off the couch. Then glitchy red came closer swinging his fist at my face. 'Oi are you gonna stand up and fight me or not?!' I looked down. Receiving another swing of the fist. 'FIGHT ME ASSHOLE' then my brother walked in, homecide lui. ', leave my brother alone' his voice was calm and relaxed as usual.

He only got a icy glare from the cyber ghost. 'And why the fuck are you sticking up for him? For pikachu's sake he tried to kill you' lui brougt him up calmly and got right up into his face. 'Yeah, But he's still my brother' red scoffed and stormed off.

I sat there on the floor upright next to jack, behind both our backs we were holding hands. Lui stood there pissed watching glitchy red walk off.

Then he looked down at jack and I. 'You two okay' we both shook our heads slowly. 'Good stay out of trouble' I nodedd my head as lui walked away calmly.

I groaned and laid my head on jacks shoulder. 'Welcome to hell my friend, welcome to hell' all I got from that was a chuckle

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2015 ⏰

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