13 [end]

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Jenna set the letter down atop the giant pile of others she had previously written. It hurt, seeing them all stacked together, knowing Taylor would never receive them.

There. Right there.

Tempting her, sitting on the desktop, awaiting her to swallow them. So irresistible. The thought of it was undeniable.

She was going to do it.

She was going to do it.

She was going to--



"Jenna, it's Kellin," he spoke quickly, worry evident in his tone of voice. "We-we haven't spoken in ages. I thought it would be a good idea to come around."

I know what's going to happen, he didn't say. Because, of course he knew. Kellin knew everything about her.

"No, Kellin," Jenna spoke firmly, needing to get her point across. "I-I don't want to see you right now." She stood up and walked over to the closed door, resting her head and palms against it.

She closed her eyes, hearing shuffling on the other side of the door.

"O-oh," it didn't seem like he would be leaving any time soon.

"GO, KELLIN!" Jenna spoke loudly, so loudly she surprised herself. "I can't let you see me like this," she spoke softer that time, tears forming in her eyes.

She heard his footsteps and exhaled deeply.

Jenna walked over to the desk again, picking up the bottle of sleeping pills from the surface. Enough to shut down my body, she thought, opening the cap.

She spilled the entire contents in her hand, walking through the door to her bathroom. She piled multiple pills in her mouth, cupping her free hand under running water and bringing that hand up to her mouth, swallowing the water and pills.

She repeated this until she had swallowed the entirety of the pills.

She walked over to the bathtub, turning on that tap and letting it fill up the tub (after making sure she plugged it).

She looked down at her body, thinking, fuck taking off my clothes, it's not like I'm gonna need them off, anyway.

She turned off the tap, moving her legs so she was standing in the water. She lied down, momentarily submerging herself in the water. She could feel herself getting sleepier as she resurfaced.

The drowsiness was taking her over. She felt herself submerging slowly into the water, as she shut her eyes--

And then they snapped open.

"Jenna?" the voice was so familiar, so lovely.

Jenna started hyperventilating--she was just about to die! What happened? What happened?

She squeezed her eyes shut, and she wasn't able to hear much of what was going on in the background. All the heard was a faint call of "Taylor, take her to the nurse."


Her Taylor.

But...how? Wasn't she dead?

That was Jenna's last thought before she blacked out, just like she wanted.

- - - - - - - - - -

Jenna awoke to the soft feeling of someone stroking her hair.

"Hey," it was Taylor. Taylor was alive. She was alive. And so was Jenna.

Jenna attempted to sit up, but found the task quite hard, "what happened?" she asked, completely confused. It had all been so real.

"You fell asleep in class, Jen," Tay giggled. "It was funny, until you woke up."

"I-I had this dream," Jenna said, resulting in Taylor questioningly raising her eyebrows. "It seemed so real...You-you died, and all this stuff happened. It had been over a year, how could I have dreamed that long? I wrote you letters all the time...until I tried to kill myself. That was when I woke up."

Taylor looked a little shocked, but smiled, saying "it's alright, you have me," before she leaned down to kiss her girlfriend--

And Jenna woke up for real in her bed. 

[a/n] i was winging most of this chapter oops

So, this is the end of Taylor, sorry if you hate me

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