Remus is late coming back

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Sirius Black just finished his morning shower when he decided to watch some muggle television; he had just come back from an Order mission in which he was spying on a suspected Death Eater hide out and he couldn't be bothered to do much today. He sat down and immediately thought of Remus his partner/boyfriend/lover; Merlin they still hadn't had that conversation. Sirius knew they were way past boyfriends, but Remus didn't like it when Sirius called himself Remus' mate, to him it sounded too animalistic and just reminded him of the Dark Creature he was. Thinking about Remus now made Sirius glance quickly at the Grandfather clock up against the wall in the corner, when they had first moved in Remus had found a boggart in that clock. But when Sirius noticed the time he suddenly became worried, Remus should have been back by now. It was half past seven, the moon set an hour ago. Sirius got up and went to the kitchen; he thought he would make himself some coffee and some toast. There's nothing to worry about, he told himself, Remus probably just fell asleep he's always exhausted after a transformation. However even when he was telling himself this he had a nagging feeling something wasn't right. Prongs always told him that it was nothing when he had that feeling, but he and Remus were bonded in such a way it would make sense that the feeling was about the Werewolf.

Sirius finished his breakfast and went back to the living room. He looked at the clock again, nearly nine o'clock, now he was worried. He started to pace.

Sirius couldn't take it anymore this feeling was weird, he was going to call James, maybe Remus had gone to Godric's Hollow, but then that would be a little strange. Sirius went out into the hall and picked up the phone to call his best friend anyway; no harm in checking. Then the front door opened, it was Remus.

He looked awful; there was no other way to describe him. There were scratch marks on his face, hopefully not deep enough to scar he didn't need any more on his face. His light blue shirt was torn and bloodied. His hair was plastered to his face with sweat, he was limping but that was not unusual. However what Sirius was scared of the most was the fact that Remus' left arm was hanging limply by his side, the shirt sleeve for that arm was gone, and Sirius could see that the arm itself was like the shirt: torn to shreds.

Sirius rushed forward and put his arm around the man he tried not to touch or brush against any of his wounds, but when he touched his side Remus winced in pain. Sirius put his hand lower on his lover's hip. Sirius half dragged half carried Remus the rest of the way into the flat and into their bedroom. He laid Remus on the bed but as soon as he made contact with the soft sheets he howled in pain.

"Fuck, Rem what the hell, you've never been this bad." Sirius wiped Remus' sweaty hair off the man's forehead while he thought things through. Sirius knew he couldn't help Remus, as Sirius' healing skills weren't exactly first class. Then it hit him, Lily. She was in training to be a healer at St Mungo's. He kissed Remus's forehead and ran out of the room and to the phone.

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