I Love You And Goodbye

632 24 6

December 24th


I sat on the couch with Twiggy while Claudia stumbled through the house. She had slowly started to walk and was getting better. She had also started to speak a little.

"Daddy!" she mumbled as she walked up to me before falling to her butt.

" hi, Claudi. How's daddy's little girl doing." I said and picked her up. I looked at our large Christmas tree and smiled. This felt right. My little family on our first Christmas. I kissed the top of her head and hugged her.

There was a knock on the door so I let Twiggy hold Claudia while it got it. He had her standing on his legs and she hit him on the head, causing me to chuckle as I opened the door. I woman in a suit stood there holding a bag on her shoulder.

"Are you Brian Warner?" she said.

"Uh yeah. But call me Marilyn." i said. "What's going on?"

"My name is Sharon Wright. I need to inspect your house. Your a single father and in a band so I am here to make sure your house is safe for a little girl." oh shit...

" but it's been seven months. She's already walking and talking. Why would you inspect it now." I asked.

"because she is now an age where she could get into harmful things." shit shit shit fuck!!

"Its Christmas though! I want to spend time with my daughter and my band. Can't you come back in, like, a week? " I pushed.

"Sir, if you're house is fine, then you should have no problem." she said. I nodded and let her in. We came to the living room and Twiggy sat on the floor while Claudia threw things at him.

" Claudia. No, that's bad. Don't throw things at uncle Twiggy." I said and picked her up. She saw Sharon and waved. Twiggy sat back on the couch.

"well hello there." Twiggy said in a flirting manner.

"Twiggy!" I gave him pleading eyes.

"I mean, good evening ma'am." he replied. I quickly led the woman from the room. I gave her a tour while she wrote things down on a paper she was carrying around. We got done and she gave me a sad look.

"Mr. Warner, your house is not safe for a seven month old child. I'm sorry to say but I'm going to be forced to take her from your custody." she said. I wrapped my arms around Claudia more.

"No... No! Your not taking her!!" I said before tears started to stream down my face.

"Brian, it's my job." she replied.

" No!" she took Claudia out of my arms and headed for the door.

" DADDY!!!" Claudia screamed to me. I went running to her.

"Claudia!" I yelled back as the woman got into the front seat, Claudia safe in the back seat.

"Daddy!!" she yelled again, tears down her face. I fell to my knees as the car pulled away. I screamed as I buried my face into my hands...

Merry Fucking Christmas.


;-; sad face. . .

Yes, I'm aware its actually May right now but idc. It's Christmas in my story xD


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