The Abandoned

480 18 3

June 7


Claudias pov


I laid on the hospital bed holding my dad's hand. James still doesn't know about the whole me being pregnant... And luckily for me, he's on tour.

"We'll, Mrs. Warner. The baby seems healthy. But you said the father is tall, and that may be a factor. Your quite short and the baby may end up with the fathers height and that could be a factor . If that happens, we may have to do a C-section." the doctor said.

"oh..." I mumbled.

"would you like to know the sex?" he asked.

"No! I want it to be a surprise." I said. My dad laughed.

"okay. Well would you want to know?" he asked my dad.

"nope." he replied.

"alright. Well, we're done, you should come back in, say, two weeks. On the 25th. So, I'll see you then." the doc said and walked out.

We to my apartment and walked inside.

"you need to tell James. " Marilyn said.

"I'm scared" he said.

"Your mom was scared shitless to tell me when she was pregnant for you. He's thought I would be pissed or that I'd leave because of the band. I didn't. I was thrilled. He will too. Trust me." he said. I pulled my phone out and pulled up his contact.

"hello?" James accent rang through my ears.

"James? I have a question..." I started.

"okay?" he urged.

"do... Do you want kids?" I asked quietly. "like, any time?"

"I do, but with the band, it's to much. Why? Do you?" he asked. A tear slipped down.

"Uhm... Yeah, actually I do..." I said.

"if you want, when I'm done with tour, we can try..." he told me.

"n-no its fine James. Love you. Bye." I said and hung up. I instantly started crying.

"Im sorry." Marilyn said. I just shook my head. He hugged me tightly. Eventually he started to quietly singing Born Villain to me. I soon fell asleep.

Marilyn's pov

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

She fell asleep and I carried her to her room. She was wearing a pair of sweat pants and a large Skid Row shirt so she should be comfortable. I found a piece of paper and wrote a note.

"I didn't know how long you were gonna sleep so I headed home. You know where I live, so if you need anything just stop by. Sleep well, lovely. ~MM"

I sat it on the pillow beside her and walked out the door. I got home and walked in to see Twiggy asleep on my couch. I rolled my eyes and sat on him.

"get off you fat ass!" I heard him yell, face muffled by pillows. I stood up.

"we have a problem..." I started. Twiggy was the only one of the guys who knows Claudia is pregnant.

"yeah! Your a fatty who needs a diet!" he yelled. I rolled my eyes again.

"James told her that he doesn't want kids. Now she is terrified to tell him." I said. He sat up quickly.

"your kidding..." he said. I shook my head. "bastard..."

"He's a good dude... Just young." I said calmly.

About two hours later, Claudia showed up crying. Poor girl...

"I told him..." she said.

"what did he say?" I asked.

"he hung up..." she said and started crying more. I hugged her tightly. Eventually she pulled away from me and looked at twiggy. He looked PISSED.

Twiggys POV

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I was beyond pissed. How can he do that? That is HIS child! He's an ignorant ass hole!!!

"Twiggy, don't look so happy." her sarcastic voice said.

"Sorry..." I mumbled. "its just... How could he do that to you? His pregnant girlfriend? He's an ass! " I said.

"I should have listened to Danny..." she said. "he told me James wasn't going to be able to be responsible..."

"well I'll tell ya what. UNCLE TWIGGY CARES!! And as uncle Twiggy, it's my job to spoil the FUCK out of that kid. In fact, watch this!" I started. Then I pulled my phone out and called the company that makes all of our merch. "hello?" I said.

"Yo, Ramirez. What's up?" the man, Tommy, said.

"yeah, I have a question. My niece is pregnant and I was wondering. Would you be able to make some baby clothes with band logos for her?" I asked. Claudia jumped up and down smiling.

"Sure man. Is she with you?" he asked.


"put her on." and I did.

"hello. Uh yeah. No we are keeping it a secret so I guess unisex. Uhm... Bands... Let's see, Manson, Rob Zombie, Asking Alexandria, My Chemical Romance, Falling In Reverse, Black Veil Brides, Skid Row, Mötley Crüe, um... Pierce The Veil, and Sleeping With Sirens" she said. "alright. Thank you so much." she handed my phone back.

"Hey, Twiggy. What's her babies daddy's name?" he asked.

"James. He's Asking Alexandria's drummer." I told him.

"alright. Well, I'll get those in soon. I'll mail them to Marilyn's house." he said.

"Thanks Tommy." I said and hung up.

"thank you so much Twiggy!" she said and hugged me.

"any time." I said.

"Your an amazing uncle." she said still hugging me.

"you are an awesome uncle, bro." Marilyn said. I smiled at him.


Soooooooooooooooooo... Idk if the dude who makes Manson merch is named Tommy. But... Yeah. I can make that because it's a fan fiction. So suck it. And I my sister gave me the idea of making her pregnant. @DragulasDaughter <<that is her. So, fan her!!!


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