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Yes I'm still here. I'm so incredibly sorry that a chapter is still not up yet after all this time. A lot has happened in this time and it's getting in the way. When I updated the last chapter, the next one wasn't done like I usually have it. The chapter wasn't even started. I thought that I would be able to write it quickly, but unfortunately that wasn't the case. During the summer I got my first job, which is taking up some of my days. I'm in another theatre production, school is becoming a lot, and I'm moving in a few days.

But mainly, my mind is drawing a blank. And no I'm not giving this story up! Don't worry! This story means a lot to me and I do have ideas for later on;). But for the next chapters, I honestly don't know what to write. As of right now, I have some of the next one written and I know what sorta happens in it. But I really need your help. What do you want to see on set? Any pranks? Special moments? Scenes? I'm open to anything really. Just please!

If you have ideas, comment them on here and I'll see if I can write it well enough. I apologize for not writing this up sooner and I hope you stick around for what I have planned! I love you all so much!!!!

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