Chapter 7

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After the last line of the script was read, no one could stop themselves from cheering and clapping. I knew I had the stupidest smile on my face, but I was way to happy to care. I turned my head to see Robert staring at me.

"I'm impressed. Good work kiddo" he said to me as he patted my back.

"Thank you father"

He chuckled and stood up, expecting me to do the same. I stood up as well and followed him to join the rest of the cast. I quietly hid behind Robert as he chatted with the cast. They were talking about what days they would get together for. I didn't think I was included in this because I was a kid and they were a group of adults who probably wanted to get drunk. Obviously, I was wrong when a pair of hands dragged me in front of them. I was caught by surprise and I looked up to see Chris Evans had dragged me from my hiding place.

"Stop being so shy! You can't hide behind Robert forever, you know" he frowned at me.

"You underestimate me" I replied. He laughed a little while shaking his head.

"You are included in this too. So stop hiding and pay attention"

We both turned our attentions back to the group. They were agreeing on a date to go out for lunch.

"So are we all good for tomorrow at 11?" asked Robert. The group nodded their heads in agreement and they all went their separate ways. Chris Evans turned his attention back to me and started to talk to me.

"That wasn't so bad, now was it?" he smiled at me.

"No, it really wasn't" I smiled back.

"Good. So, Alexis, why don't you tell me about yourself"

"Um, well what do you want to know?" I wasn't really sure what he wanted to know about me.

"For starters, how old are you and where are you from?"

"I'm currently 13 years old, but will be 14 later this year. I'm from a city in Ontario, Canada" His eyes widened in shock when I told him I was from Canada.

"Wait, you're from Canada?!" He seemed really shocked at this.

"Yup, that's what I said"

"Wow, never would have guessed you were from there" he mumbled.

"Anything else you want to know about me?" I asked, trying to switch topics.

"What do you like to do in your free time?"

"I like to read, watch t.v, and sleep" he chuckled at my last answer.

"Do you play any sports?"

"Ew, exercise" he couldn't help but laugh at my response.

Robert finished up his conversations and headed towards Chris and I.

"You ready to go mini me?" Robert asked me.

"Yup, let's go. It was nice talking to you Chris" I said to Chris before I left with Robert. I climbed back into the passenger side of Roberts car while he took his seat behind the wheel. He started the car and he began to drive me back to my hotel.

"So, mini me, how was it?" he asked me.

"It was really good" I answered.

"I'm glad to hear"

"Why am I referred to as your mini me?" I questioned him.

"Well, you are playing a Stark like me, and you're mini"

"Hey! I'm not that short"

"You're how old again?"

"13 almost 14..............yeah I'm short"

"Are you going to lunch with everyone tomorrow?"

"Maybe, I haven't really thought about it"

"You're going" he stated.

"Um, okay?"

"Do you want a ride?"

"Uh, sure?"

"Okay, I'll pick you up at 10:30. Also, my wife Susan will be coming"

"Okay, I'll see you at 10:30"

Soon, we arrived back at my hotel. I thanked Robert for the drive and we said goodbye. I walked into the hotel and found my room. I talked with my mom about my day and got ready for bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I drifted off to sleep.

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