Chapter One

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Chapter One


Like any typical teenage boy, his eyes wandered. The typical questions ran through his mind, who looks the hottest today? Or, who should I flirt with today?

Luke was known around his school for being a flirt. Him and his group of friends were the most popular in school. They weren't popular like the jocks, oh no. They were in a band, which happened to be pretty famous around town. In the peers eyes, that automatically made Luke and his friends cool. Especially Luke, girls drooled over him because he was the lead singer in his band, 5 Seconds Of Summer. With his blonde hair slicked back into a quiff and his piercing blue eyes, Luke Robert Hemmings definitely fit society's definition of attractive.

Girls basically threw themselves onto him, and he loved the sudden popularity.

Before 5 Seconds Of Summer came to be, Luke and his friends weren't really known around school. They considered themselves rejects, because nobody could even remember their name. But after their band became known locally, everybody in school suddenly wanted to be their friend.

Luke wasn't used to being the talk of the school, so he didn't know how long it would last. Things in his school died down pretty quickly, so he wanted to make the best of this while it lasted.

Even though the popularity had been surrounding him for about a month, he still felt paranoid that his peers would move on to the next big thing, and forget all about him. That was the last thing he wanted to happen, because Luke liked being the center of attention. It made him feel good about himself, a trait that he lacked for a large majority of his life.

"Luke!" His friend Michael screamed through the crowds of people in the hallway, as he pushed through them. The kids in the halls gave him dirty looks, but immediately softened up when they realized who had bumped into them. The girls standing there looked at Michael in awe.

Luke took his attention away from the girls, looking over at Michael with a raised eyebrow. He seemed to be excited when he called Luke's name, so Luke's curiosity grew as he waited for Michael to catch his breath and speak.

"What?" Luke nodded at his friend, a silent message that told Michael he had Luke's full attention.

"We landed another gig!" Michael said excitedly. His voice echoed through the semi-quiet halls, making it easy for the people around them to hear their conversation. A few of the girls that stood in the hallway congratulated them, making Luke grin in satisfaction.

"How? And where's it at?" Luke asked, his grin matching Michael's.

"Homecoming!" He yelled, throwing his arms in the air. Michael always got like this when he found out that the band had gotten a gig. It made him think that the band was one step closer to getting a record deal, and Luke liked that kind of attitude.

The bell rang, taking Luke and Michael both from their thoughts.

"Well, I gotta get to class." Michael sighed, throwing his head back in frustration. If it weren't for Michael's extremely strict parents, he would probably skip school everyday. Luke sometimes felt that way too, but knowing his mum, Liz, she would flip if he ever skipped.

"Yeah, same." Luke frowned. He parted ways with Michael, and was off to his first period class, photography.

Luke never had an interest in picture taking. But he needed one more class on his schedule, and all the ones he wanted to take were already filled for the semester. So, he had no choice but to take photography. That's what the school chose for him, anyway.

With it only being the fourth week of school, Luke hadn't done much in his classes. He had the laziest teachers this year, which was pretty amazing due to the fact that they barely assigned any work.

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