Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen


Days later, Luke found himself working on every unfinished song that he and the band would begin writing.

Disconnected was the song Luke had began and practically abandoned. There was so much going on in his life, that he'd completely forgotten about song writing. Calum scolded him for this - as he was the one who finished amnesia. Luke had nothing to do with the rest of the song, it was all Calum.

Luke's favorite song at the moment was Disconnected. He put his whole heart into that song. He was proud of it, because it was the first real song that he'd written by himself - without the bands help. Luke hadn't been this proud of his work in a long time.

Michael had begun writing a song called English Love Affair - a song in which he dedicated to nobody in particular. He just wanted to write something mysterious that also had to do with sex - because in all honesty Michael's sex drive was extremely high.

"Luke," Ashton spoke, hitting his friend on the shoulder. Luke looked up at him from his spot on the floor. Ashton towered above him, holding Luke's phone in his hand. "Your phone is ringing. It's Lillian."

Luke immediately grabbed his phone from his fellow band mate, pressing the call button with absolutely no hesitation. He smiled once the phone was pressed to his ear.

"Hello?" He said over the line, eager to hear Lillian's voice.

"Hey," she spoke, her voice sounding normal. She'd been so sad lately, so it was nice to hear her sounding genuinely happy. "Do you want to come over for dinner? It was my dad's idea."

Her dad's idea? Luke didn't even know that Lillian had told her dad about him. It would make sense though, since Nadine did know of his existence in Lillian's life. He was a little hesitant at first, but he didn't want to say no. He'd do anything for her.

"Sure?" He said, more as a question.

"You don't have to if you don't want to, it was just a thought. Plus I really don't wanna wait until school Monday to see you again," she sheepishly admitted.

Luke smiled at her comment. He wanted to see her too. So, that was why the thought of saying no completely escaped from his mind.

"I'd love too. I'll be over soon."


He felt bad for making Ashton leave. They were hanging out and trying to get some songs written, but he couldn't help but say yes to Lillian. After all, he didn't even have much time left to spend with her. The day she was leaving for Italy was just around the corner, so Luke wanted to spend as much time with her as he possibly could. Who knew when he would even see her next, after she does leave? It was a thought that haunted him. He hated thinking about it, even though he did have to consider it.

Ashton drove Luke over there, despite the fact that he felt bad for abandoning his friend. Ash said that he completely understood, since Luke did have a very limited time left to spend with Lillian. He was grateful that Ashton understood - if Luke were to ditch Calum or Michael for this, they would be a bit annoyed.

"Go have fun, don't tell her dad you're in a band though. Dads hate that. They'll say some stupid shit like that's not a real job." Ashton laughed.

"Great! Thanks for telling me this now." Luke groaned.

"You never know though, her dad could be chill. Now, go get em tiger,"


He walked into the house, his hands shaking with nervousness. Ashton's words from minutes before kept playing throughout his head. He probably had no reason to be nervous, because after all Lillian would be there to back him up.

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