What is life anymore?

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What is life anymore when your friends turn against you?

What is life anymore when you fail your lifelong project?

What is life anymore when you loose all your money?

What is life anymore when your lover leaves for another?

What is life anymore when hate takes over you and anger is your body?

What is life anymore when you forget your name?

What is life anymore when you have no purpose?

What is life anymore when people hate you?

What is life anymore when someone calls you ugly?

What is life anymore when you realize the cruelty of humanity?

What is life anymore when you think about death?


What is life anymore when you wonder what will happen after you die?

Will you go to heaven?

To hell?

Will you disappear?

What will happen to your thoughts?

What will happen to your body?

Do you have a religion to believe in what will happen next?

What if those beliefs aren't true?

What if our faith fails us?

Do any of you actually think about this?

Do you?


What is life anymore when the world fails you?

What is life anymore when you are just so lost you can't loose yourself more?

What is life anymore when you don't belong?

What is life anymore when the world is ending?

What is life anymore when you just don't know what to do?

What is life anymore when your grades plummet down?

What is life anymore when you let someone down?

What is life anymore when someone let's YOU down?

What is life anymore when your parents go silent?

What is life anymore when a loved one passes away?

What is life anymore when your favorite book series ends and there is no more adventures?

What is life anymore when you think about all these questions and get depressed?

What is life anymore when you no longer feel anything?     

When your face is numb?

When your fingers are tingling?

When your legs turn to jelly?

When your heart no longer beats?

What is life anymore?          

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