Kings and Queens

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They live in palaces

filled with jewels that overflow


They wear riches on heads

and they only feed on gold

on gold

They are truly wisest

'least that's the rumor people know

people know

But if you do know best

then you know when lies are told

are told

We, We are peasants in their glory shade

they don't care to know your name

They grandly watch over all

they rule the war and the calm

the Kings and Queens 

of this city

In kingdoms where they're the best

a crown on top of their head

the Kings and Queens


Travel in carriages

with many glistening rubies

red rubies

They look like goddesses

and gods alike in their beauty

their beauty

They execute the bad

and torture prisoners in glee

in glee

So when you see them come

ready to get down on your knees

your knees

We, We are peasants in their glory shade

they don't care to know your name

They grandly watch over all

they rule the war and the calm

the Kings and Queens

of this city

In kingdoms where they're the best

a crown on top of their head

the Kings and Queens


Don't even try to rebel

it won't work

never has worked

won't ever work

They grandly watch over all

they rule the war and the calm

the Kings and Queens

of this city

In kingdoms where they're the best

a crown on top of their head

the Kings and Queens


...So not really my best work eh?

But if ya don't like it, you don't have to read it XD

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