Chapter 1

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Life is like a stone, falling until it hits the hard ground. When it hits the ground, it breaks representing death.
     ~ At School ~
"Miki! Miki!"
I looked up and my annoying friend was calling me like usual.

"Have you heard that rumor! Where on Nature street, one of the houses are cursed!"

"I don't believe in those silly rumors. Plus it's like that dumb creepy crap on the internet."

"Your boring! You never know! Plus Halloween is coming up! You should be spooked!"
My name is Miki Hazuki, people think I'm as plain as a stone. My friend Mei Shizumi, she believes in every single rumor in school if you told her that it will rain tacos next week, she will believe it.
~ After School ~
I looked behind me and it's Mei. I sigh and I stop so she can catch up.
"Do you need a friend to walk home? You do live on Nature Street! I just wanna check if your house is cursed!"
She bumped my arm, and I drop my book.
"Curses are not real."
I sigh annoyingly.
"Oh they are! It said so on Wikipedia!"
Mei smiled and messes up my hair.
I fix my hair and I put my book away seeing as if I won't have time to read right now. We end up in front of my house and walk up onto the porch.
"You don't need to follow me."
"Ok! Well just hope that your house isnt cursed!"
Mei ran off to her own home two blocks away from mine. I open the door and my mom is cooking.
"Welcome back! Anything happen?" My mother asks, I end up not responding and go strait to my homework.
~ At Night ~
I put on my pajamas and brush my teeth. As I walk to my room I see a shadow downstairs.
"Just a car or something."
I murmur,
I go to my room and see that the picture I have of me in grade school was gone. My room door slammed shut by itself.
I ran toward my door trying to pry it open. It was locked. I sighed and trend around to sleep and forget about it. The door opened and I turned around and something or someone was at my doorway.

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