Chapter 1: Baby Bella

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Edward's POV:

"HEY COME ON YOU CHEATED!!!" Emmett boomed.

"Ok true," Alice laughed.

"Alice this is why no one plays with you," I said from the couch. Emmett and Alice just finished playing chess. She can see the future so she knows what your next move is.

"Aw come on guys I can't help it." She said while rolling her eyes.

Knock knock knock

Carlisle zoomed to the door with everyone following behind him. It's 4am who knocks on our door in the middle of the woods at 4am? I sniffed the air. A human. It smelled delicouse. Even though I am a mature vampire that is very tempting. Jaspers eyes widened at the scent. Alice gabbed his armed and pulled him in the direction of their room.

"Carlisle who is it?" Rose asked from a few feet behind me.

"It's a baby......" Carlisle said. Everyone gasped. When he turned around in his arms was a tiny baby. Probably about 3 months old.

"Who.....what.....why?" Emmett stuttered. Rose took her from Carlisle.

"There was a note. It just has "Bella" written on it," Carlisle said.

"Hi bella," Rose whispered while rocking her gently back and forth in her arms. Rose has always wanted to be a mother.

"Let me see her," I say with my arms outstreched. She hands her to me. She's asleep. She feels warm. Her blanket is soft. She is a perfect baby. So peacful while asleep. I stare at her for a few long seconds. Baby Bella.

Well we can't just keep her we have to find her mother. I hear Carlisle think.

"No," I say sternly.

"Edward, since when have you wanted to take care of a baby?" Carlisle asks.

"Since now," I say. Rose takes her from me.

"Edward a word outside please," Carlisle says. We walk outside.

"Why do you want to keep a human?" He asks.

"It just feels right. It feels like she belongs here. Maybe she can make me happier," I announce. All I have ever wanted was happiness. I mean having my family makes me happy but maybe when she is older.......

"Jasper can't handle that." Carlisle says softly.

"Sure he can. He has our support," I tell him.

"Yeah but it's not safe for the child." Carlisle says.

"Rose isn't gonna let you take her away you know that. Neither am I," Irritation is clearly building up in my voice.

"Fine we will give it a shot," He says and walks inside. I follow him.

"We are going to raise her," Carlisle says. Rose, Esme, and I smile.

"Sweet I have always wanted a new little sister!" Emmett practicly yells.

"So I heard I have a new sister to shop for," Alice said with a huge smile on her face.

"Looks like it," I said while smiling. Baby Bella. Sweet darling Baby Bella. Someone to protect forever.


Hope you like that chapter. Sorry if there are any errors. Please vote and comment! Bye! :D

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