Chapter 12

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Edwards POV:

When we get to Bella Alice calls the police. Bella's head is on the steering wheel and she is bleeding pretty bad. There is some glass from her window in her arm. Carefully I pull it out. She doesn't wake up even when I do that. I unbluckle her and pick her up as carefully as possible.

"Alice, I had one job!" I say through my teeth.

"What?" She asks.

"I couldn't even keep Bella safe," I say.

"Edward don't blame yourself. It wasn't your fault" She says.

"But it was," I whisper so quiet even Alice can barely hear it.

"Edward pull yourself together! Focus on Bella!" Alice yells at me. I nod then walk over to a grassy area by the road and sit down with Bella on my lap. I pull out my phone and text Jasper.

Me: Don't come. Bella's bleeding pretty bad.

Jasper still doesn't have much control when a human is bleeding.

Jasper: I hate not being able to be around when she is hurt. But I'll stay home. Just keep me updated.

Me: Ik you do. I will.

Bella twitches a little then her eyes fly open.

"Edward I-" I cut her off.

"Shh, your ok your fine," I tell her although that could very well be a lie.

"Let me talk. I just wanted to say I'm sorry for running off like that it's my fault," She said in a whisper.

"Bella it's not your fault. If it's anyone's fault it's mine. I'm the one that's supposed to protect you," I tell her. She just sighs then winces.

"I think I broke a rib and probably my leg. And I'm gushing blood too. Well isn't this just peachy. Just amazing. You know what this is making up for? It's making up for all the years I didn't get hurt because you guys were there to save the day. This is all those years of cuts and bruises and broken bones rolled into one. I'm such and idiot. You know one time I remember in 3rd grade when I was on the playground and I fell and I though it was the end of world cuz I had cut my knee. Now look at me," Bella rambles on.

"Bella, stop talking," I tell her.

"Oh sorry. Wait why and I apologizing for having a conversation. Huh maybe I should have-" I cut her off by kissing her. I can hear her heart beat quicken. Once I pull away she had a huge smile despite the fact she's pretty hurt.

"Maybe I should ramble on more ofter," Bella jokes. I just give her a crooked smile.

Finally Carisle and a few police show up. Carlisle takes a look at Bella. Her leg is broken and she has a slightly bruised rib. She is also going to need stiches on her arm.


I'm sitting in the waiting room next to Alice and Esme at the hospital waiting to see Bella when Emmett shows up with Rose.

"Sorry we didn't come sooner we were making sure Jaz stays home," Rose explains.

"She's gonna be fine," I tell them.

"That girl is nuts," Em says

"Yeah and we wonder where she gets it from," I say glaring at Emmett.

Carlisle walkes out from the rokm Bella's in and sits down next to us.

"Give her a minute to wake up a little," Carlisle says.

"Edward?" I hear Bella whisper. I know that not even the nurses in the room could hear it. I stand up and walk into the room. She smiles when she sees me.

"I'm an idiot," She whisper.

"No, your just Bella. My Bella," I whisper back to her.


Tell me what you think! Thanks for reading. Love ya guys! :)

My Bella (A twilight fanfic)*COMPLETED*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora