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As the moon rose high in the sky, it beamed down on the land below. There was a forest with three mountains going around the back to the south of the tall trees, teeming with prey. Away from the forest to the north, stretched long grassy plains, and to the west was a shimmering lake that let out into a river. It winded along in between the forest and the plains, emptying out into a smaller lake with humans living around it.

Deep within the forest lives a species of animal. It is a new kind that developed mysteriously and not even humans know about them yet. They are called the Laminus. They resemble fennec foxes but act like wild cats and dogs. Their pelts and eye colors range and their tails are long with sharp blades at the end. These Laminus live in packs filled with both good and evil. This is only the beginning...


Within the dark trees of the forest at night, it was silent and plants were finally starting to grow after the recent melting of snow. Among the silence a sleek, thin Laminus padded along, her icy gaze sweeping across the area as she went. She had been waiting a long time for this, and her claws itched with anticipation. She had recently become an adult in her pack and had the authority to leave camp without another adult. It was too dark for her fur color to stand out but her claws were to do the talking.

The female stopped at the edge of her territory and looked around, passed here were fields that led into a different pack's territory. Paws steps could be heard close by and she barely looked back before muttering slyly, "Hello."

She sat and was joined by a large, muscular male who's pelt was also hidden except for his claws that slid in and out and his yellow gaze. He sat beside the female and stared ahead into the fields, "Why did you want to speak with me? And don't take long because remember, this isn't my territory, all though it is yours and I don't exactly feel comfortable."

He glanced at her icy gaze then forward again. She swished her tail and grinned, "Someday I will rule Ivypack. And after that all three territories, but since you are alpha male of the strongest pack, I thought we might...agree to something..."

He looked at her curiously, "Im listening..."

She smirked and held back a laugh, "I want a simple alliance. Then someday we can rule side by side." She smiled and placed her paw against his larger one.

The male smirked and growled in amusement, "Sounds great...who do we kill first?"


(Ok so I know the prologue is a little short and hopefully you can sort of see how these animals look. I summarize:

They are slightly bigger than cats when full grown, they have tails longer than their bodies (about 2 feet) and their tails have long, strong, bendable blades, usually they're brown or gray colors and sometimes even redish or blueish, but on rare occasions black, white, or strange designs like zebra print or leopard print. They're eyes can be a lot of different colors. They have claws and large ears, mostly they resemble fennec foxes. The humans don't know about them yet surprisingly. If you have any other questions or maybe want your own character, I'm open to ideas.

Don't forget to comment and vote!!!!!!!!!! :3 thanks!!!!!!)

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