Chapter 1

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In the safety of the nursery cave, it was empty except for two mother adults. They chatted as one mother with a white speckled brown pelt and blue eyes tucked her three kits by her stomach. They had just been born two days ago and happily slept in their mother's warm, welcoming fur. The other mother was white with yellow eyes and every now and then, she'd glance down on her two kits playing just by the entrance.

The white adult smiled at the brown speckled adult as she licked her own paw, "So, Speck, how have your kits been? Hopefully mine will become apprentices soon. They are obviously old enough." She ended on a sad tone and looked off for a moment.

Speck smiled and nodded, licking her kits ears, "They're growing strong, Snowdew. Very fast actually. Is something bothering you?"

Snowdew stayed silent and gazed with her yellow eyes out of the nursery cave toward the healer's den. Speck followed her gaze for a moment then sadly smiled at Snowdew, "I know you're worried about Rusty, but I wouldn't worry. The pack healer, Blossom, should be able to help your kit."

Snowdew almost snapped back but stopped herself with a sigh and layer her head down, "I know but I'm not blind. His cough is very bad and getting worse."

"I'm sure it's nothing serious-"

"I'm not some blind old elder! I know a case of fever cough when I see it!" Snowdew hissed and calmed down with a frown at her alive and healthy kits playing.

Speck was taken back and glared as if she were to snap back, but didn't and hesitated many moments before her eyes softened and she licked her kits to keep them warm, "Im sorry Snowdew...I shouldn't doubt your knowledge, especially when you're alpha female. How is your mate, Thorn? As new alpha male I'm sure his days are now packed."

Snowdew smiled, regretting her snap at the mother adult, "He's fine. I'm still worried though, were easily open from attack from Breezepack or Mountainpack since he's gone to travel to Star Mountain. I'm a bit busy with my kits and secondary alpha, Rainfall, is taking care of MY duties. I'm failing Ivypack." she sighed and closed her eyes as her head lay.

"Actually, I heard from some adult group that checked our territory that they saw up on the mountain Thorn and two adults were returning. Maybe even anytime now." Speck smiled reassuring her.

Snowdew smiled and nodded her head as she rose up and padded over to her kits outside on a ledge above the packed down grass in the meeting area and the other dug out caves around them, "Thank you Speck. Snowflake, Wasp, come here."

The two young Laminus stopped playing and tiredly ran to their mother as she started to groom their fur nicely so they shined. She looked at them proudly, "It sounds like your father will finally be returning today, and it will be the first time you see him and you must respect him since he's alpha male."

Wasp's light brown fur shined as he smiled and nodded, his yellow eyes shined sitting tall. Snowflake did the same and could barely contain herself, "And maybe he'll make us apprentices!"

Snowdew smiled thankfully at Speck before leading her kits to wait in the corner of the meeting area. Wasp was careful to keep his fur shining as they waited, but Snowdew licked Snowflake's white pelt over until her black markings shined through and her green eyes waited excitedly, staring at the entrance. Eventually, some adults and a few apprentices gathered around their dens and the gathering area as Thorn and two other adults walked in looking exhausted. The pack greeted them with friendly barks and the two adults went to eat while Thorn caught sight of Snowdew and padded over.

Thorn shook his slightly ruffled dark brown fur and sat down, his green gaze feel to the two kits at his mate's paws. Snowflake looked up at him smiling and for a moment of hesitation, she thought he wouldn't do anything. As if he had read her thought, he smiled and looked them over, "They're beautiful Snowdew. They'll be fine adults, and I know ill be proud to call them my children."

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