Chapter 2

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The next day after their ceremony, Snowflake slept all night and growled when she felt paws push on her back while she laid on her side in the warm nest. Wasp sighed, "Snowflake you're gonna be late for training! We're going together today!"

Snowflake yawned and blinked one eye open, "This early? I'm so tired though."

Wasp growled and pushed her one last time, "Come oooooooooonnnnn!!!!"

Snowflake growled and muttered to herself but got up and padded outside with Wasp at her paws. They came to the entrance where Rainfall and shimmer waited. Rainfall was a young but experienced as the secondary alpha, her blue-gray fur shinned and she had blue eyes. Shimmer, an adult, had a light gray pelt and blue eyes. They turned to their apprentices as they approached and Shimmer nodded to Snowflake, "Ready?"

Snowflake suddenly wasn't tired anymore and nodded eagerly, "Of course, Shimmer!"

Wasp nodded to his mentor, Rainfall, "Im ready as well!"

The two mentors nodded and started to guide them out into the forest. Outside and around camp was a small ring of sand, padded down after many years. Snowflake had never felt sand before and paused to sniff the grainy substance. She looked ahead and ran to catch up. They soon moved and went to the right side of their territory through trees and along the border.

Rainfall stopped and looked up a small hill where a giant willow tree grew. Its roots dug deep through the earth and stuck out in some places. Shimmer turned to the small apprentices, "This is the giant willow. During spring and summer, it's very plentiful with prey around the roots, but we won't be hunting today. Lets check the border now."

Rainfall nodded in agreement with Shimmer and they continued on to the border not to far from there. The trees suddenly stopped and there was a long path of black stone. Shimmer, Rainfall, and Snowflake stood just outside the trees but Wasp crept close to the strange thing and touched it. He suddenly perked his ears and looked up at a large strange monster-like thing charging down it.

"Get back!" Rainfall barked and sprang forward, grabbing Wasp's tail and yanking him back and down the slight dip along the sides and by the trees as the strange thing hurled past noisily. "You could've gotten yourself killed, Wasp!"

Wasp looked as though he didn't hear her, he was shaking and the foul smell of the monster was clinging to his fur. Snowflake shrank back from the stench when Wasp shook his fur and coughed, "Im sorry Rainfall, I was just so curious. What was that thing!?"

Rainfall's hardened gaze softened and she sighed, "It's called the quakepath. Humans use it when they ride in those things that almost killed Wasp, they're called thunder-quakers."

More rushed by as they crouched next to a bush, "across the quakepath is Mountainpack territory. They have swampy areas then passed those are high mountains and rocky areas. They struggle with prey but the area has trained their adults to be much stronger than the other packs. The only downside to their strength is that they rush to early into things and are arrogant. They lie and are thieving pieces of dirt." Shimmer continued and hissed to herself, glaring across the border.

After a while of walking, the group came around and finally left the smelly quakepath behind. Snowflake breathed in and out happily. They walked along the border and beyond there was a long range of rocks towering high.

"Is this star mountain?" Snowflake asked as she stared high at the peaks. They seemed to touch the stars high in Galaxypack.

"That's right. Good job." Simmer appraised her apprentice, "starmountain is where alphas and healers can speak with our ancestors in Galaxypack. We ask them for advice and every new alpha or alphas go there with the pack's healer to accept permission from Galaxypack in order to leader their pack."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2013 ⏰

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