1. Kronos and the Man Wrapped In Black

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A/N- Here's chapter one! It talks a bit about Alandra. please vote, comment and follow! Photo of Alandra on the side.

My name is Alandra Williams. I am Lieutenant Nyota Uhura's "personal assistant". That isn't a real title but it's the best way I can describe what I do. I'm a communications officer on the Starship Enterprise. I am twenty five years old. I love Star Fleet.

I refuse to wear the uniform for women though. It's extremely sexist. Tight, short little dresses? Ew. It makes me feel exposed, and it doesn't do well at discouraging any men that are slimeballs. I wear the red crew shirts. Either long sleeved or short sleeved, with black leegings and boots.

Everyone in Star Fleet were all taught how to use a gun, and hand to hand combat. I took to it better than any of my classmates. I have a part of me that is not afraid to beat the shit of anyone who messes with me. I did a study on the psychology of a warrior. I know how a warrior thinks.

And I think that's what got me into this mess in the first place. I think that as soon as Captain Kirk realized that Khan was some kind of warrior, super human, he wanted to understand him. And since I know the most about a warrior's mind, besides Mr. Spock, I got the job of guarding him. I was also part of the landing party to take Khan captive. 

We were in the shuttle headed towards Kronos, and I was listening to Uhura and Spock argue about what happened in the volcano.

Now I am Nyota's best friend and personal assistant so I've heard this over and over. I just listened and didn't say anything as they talked it out. I sat there snickering, because as tense as this was, it was pretty funny. And then we were fired on. By Klingons. How could there be Klingons here? We were told this sector was abandoned.

"Spock I thought you said this was abandoned!" the Captain said, swearing a minute later.
"It must be a patrol" Uhura snapped.

I groaned and slammed my head against the console. I looked up at the screens and schooled my face into a blank expression. I carried out Kirk's orders calmly, while inside my head I was freaking out. I turned to report to the captain that the Klingons were getting close when we were fired at again. I was thrown out of my chair, and slammed my head on the ground. Everything was blurry, and then it all went black.





My eyes shot open. I focused on Kirk's face. I noticed that the ship wasn't moving. Spock and two crew members were staring out the window, and Captain Kirk was leaning over me. I brought my hand up to my head and winced. The side of my head felt sticky, and sore. 

"How many fingers am I holding up?" Kirk held up his hand. It was all blurry.
"Um, three?" I said, trying to focus on his hand.
"No, I was holding up two. Is everything blurry?"
"Alandra I think you have a concussion." Kirk said, leaning back on his heels.

I groaned. "Well that's just bloody perfect. Where's Lt. Uhura?" 

"She is conversing with the Klingons." Spock said, turning to face me.
"What? Jesus on a boat." I muttered and laid back down. 

Kirk stood up and then cursed, grabbing a pistol and then looking down at me.

"We gotta go get Uhura. Stay here. Do not move Alandra." I grumbled as I watched them run out.

I pulled my self up, ignoring the nausea and spinning, into a chair. I looked out the window and watched the fighting. I couldn't let them do that alone. They needed help. I picked up a gun, and staggered to the ramp, stepping off the ship and firing at  the Klingon. It definetly looked like we were losing, and then- BOOM! One of the Klingon ships exploded. I whipped around, trying to ignore the pounding of my head. Standing on top of a rock formation was a man wrapped in black. He was wearing a long black coat, black pants, black boots, and he had a black scarf covering his face. I watched as he whipped and turned killing Klingon left and right. They could never get close enough to touch him. My head was spinning again, and black was starting to take over my vision. I tried to ignore it and keep fighting Klingon. The man kept taking out Klingon and their ships. Kirk was in a bad state. His lip was bleeding, and he was limping. Spock had a cut on the side of his nose, and Uhura had a scratch on her forehead and her nose was bleeding. 

We were slowly pushed into a huddle. Kirk collapsed, and Uhura knelt down next to him. Spock took a Klingon gun, and fired at any approaching enemies. I put my hand out and leaned against a rock, trying to control the nausea and black creeping through my vision. The man in black finished off the Klingon, and jumped down to us. 

"How many are there?!" the man shouted. I could tell now that he was John Harrison, the man we were sent to kill, as he had removed the scarf from his face.

"Stand down!" Spock said, aiming his gun at Harrison.

"How many of the torpedoes you threataned me with are there?" he asked again.

"Stand down!" Harrison turned and shot the gun out of Spock's hands.

"How many torpedoes are there on your ship? How many?" he asked.

"Seventy two." Kirk muttered.

"I surrender." Harrison said, and threw his gun down.

I groaned and felt my head.


Alandra groaned. No one noticed. They were too busy watching Kirk beat the shit out of John Harrison. Finally, the Captain collapsed. Harrison was still standing, hardly a mark on him. Uhura then cuffed Harrison.

Alandra groaned again, and collapsed. Kirk caught her. She had finally passed out, from her blow to the head.

They took Harrison onto their shuttle, and then flew back towards the Enterprise. He kept looking over at the unconcious woman. She was laid out on one of the benches, her head elevated. She had blood caked on her temple and she looked exhausted. When they boarded the Enterprise, Kirk carried her bridal style to the med bay. Bones laid her down and began checking her vitals. 

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