You'll Pay part 1

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"I know what you did, Sherlock, and now you'll pay. You can't run away from me anymore, Virgin, you won't make it much farther if you run anyways," Moriarty sing-songed into the phone line, making me want to rip my ears off when they came in contact with the somehow sweetly serene, Irish lilted accent that was Jim Moriarty. I had only barely begun to open my moth to yell back a reply when the line went dead. He hung up on me.

I quickly found myself in a state of unprecedented panic. What did I even do that has made Moriarty so angry with me? How does he think he can make me pay? I asked myself these questions and ones just like them only mere seconds before I realized that John had never come back from the market. I swiftly spiraled down into a state of pure dread, pacing the room and trying desperately to gather all of my emotions and get them back to a somewhat normal state.

Wait, Mrs. Hudson hasn't come back upstairs to check on me and John today. Nor has Lestrade called me about the case I know he has waiting for me all day. Where are all of them?!

"Please, not this again," I begged into the cold silence, "Please." I said again, stopping the rhythmic pattern of my pacing and furiously tilting my head back to look at the ceiling above me. It was just a regular, everyday ceiling, but it always helped me in these kinds of situations. The ceiling is why I lounge on the couch when I'm on especially hard cases or just sulking about. I always turned to the ceiling for help and its jagged edges and simple coloring would provide me the assistance I needed before I officially entered my mind palace. The ceiling and I seemed to have a very brief, wordless, conversation before I wrenched my coat and scarf from the coat rack by the door and simultaneously kicked the door open with the determination to get my only friends back that I was trying to hide underneath the mask that was my face.

Just as the door came to a full swing to the outside world I noticed something that shouldn't have been outside. A taxi, but not a normal taxi. This taxi had the letters I-O-U roughly scratched across the side that was faced towards me (most likely on purpose). The scratches were obviously made by a small, double-sided dagger, though the blade seemed a bit worn out towards the tip, indicating that it was put through a lot a stabbing procedures. I remembered what John told me not to long ago, about how when I think it's obvious its very far from obvious...well for everyone else that is. As I reminisced on this memory I decided to let the tears roll, just this once. For John.

I quickly dried my tears and stepped into the taxi, "You know where to go, you bloody idiot!" I spat at the cabbie while I shoved my hands into my supposedly empty pockets. I felt something thin rub against the outside of my hand before I pluck it from its safe spot in my pocket. It was just a simple note, though I could tell by the scribbly handwriting and the accentuation of the E in my name on the front that John had written it. I quickly tore it open and began to read.

Dear Sherlock,

Moriarty let me write a note before he took me, I placed it somewhere that I knew that you would find it.

Sherlock... I don't think I'm going to make it out alive. I need to tell you something and I'm sorry I had to tell you over this stupid note.

Sherlock, I want you to know that you're the most human person I have ever encountered, and that's the very thing that I love most about you. With that said, I think that over the course of time I've lived with you, I have come to have very strong, actually, VERY VERY VERY strong 'feelings' for you. I know you probably don't feel the same but I just thought that you deserved to know before I probably die.

Sincerely yours, JW

"I have strong feelings for you to John," I found myself whispering to the note in my hands. Even the paper felt like John: Caring, and sweet. I didn't have time to reminisce in the moment before I was interrupted.

"What sir?" The cabbie asked, a bit puzzled.

"Nothing! Shut your trap and keep driving!"

I thought I heard the cabbie mumble something underneath his breath but I had no time to register what is was because I noticed that there was a note written in different, rougher, handwriting.

Johnny boys right Sherlock. You won't get him back, and isn't he just so cute! ~ Your favorite consulting criminal.

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