Chapter 13

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The moon light beams shone through the battered window panes; after my brother got away I have just been curled up in bundles of sheets crying myself to sleep every night reliving Dan dying moments and the look in Cameron's eyes when he ran off.
The pain that was in the allusions eyes seemed so real but dans gone my Dan. He's out of my reach now.
I guess I should be happy my father talks to me now..rarely but still. My mind drifts off into nothingness leaving it blank and meaningless.
'Phil? Can I ask you something?'
Cassy's gentle voice even sounds invading as she spoke sweetly to me.
"Yeah Cass what's up?"
I try to calm my tone hopefully not showing any irritation.
'Will he come back?..Ashton I mean. I miss him.'
I single tear trailed down my heated cheek landing on my hands that are now placed on my lap.
"No Cass he's not. He's gone and he's not coming back you saw him die in front of you. So grow up!" Tears stream down my face soaking my jeans gripping them onto my legs in a tight embrace.
'Phil?-' i can't take this anymore
"I thought I told you to shut up."
'But Phil I want to hel-'
"Go away Casanova I don't need you right now." My emotion was blank and my soul was empty as she faded like a ghost not making another sound.
The rest of the day consisted of paper work and a killer headache as I'm going to go through with becoming the first alpha to run a pack alone. My brother took something from me that I can't get back and now...I'm going to make him pay for what he has done to me. I can't sleep anymore and my eyes change colour from yellow to red just thinking of Dan.
I wonder around the room getting changed into black skinny jeans and a grey loose t.shirt that came just below my belt loops.
"Philip would it kill you to wear a little bit of colour?" The alpha walked into my room standing tall and proud. He seems to care more for me now I'm just like him...all alone but I still want to become the alpha. I turned to face him face blank from any emotion holding back the tears that show my weakness.
"How can I wear such a symbol of happiness when I can't find anything to be happy about alpha?" I locked eyes with him daring him to challenge me my eyes growing sharper. His glowed a washed out yellow showing his pain of loss of his mate; they started to fade a week after mother died symbolising his wolf was dying also. But he refused to die I don't know how he did it but he's still alive challenging me.
He gave out a soft sigh then His eyes changed back to its normal misty blue colour. "How many times have I told you to call me dad?" I stared at him in disbelief my mind filling with unspoken anger.
"Your no father of mine you only talk to me now because I'm just like you and I'm the only one left willing to take your place as the alpha." I spoke softly trying to calm every word forcing them to sound emotionless. My fists tightened at my sides as I walked over to my desk that sat below my window, my back facing my father the tension that was in the room could be cut with a knife. The whole room was silent not even the laughter of the pups that I hear everyday in the pack garden that led into the woods. The silence was short lived though with the alphas chuckle that held no humour almost forced.."that's what you think? That I don't care for you? The son that every time I look at him I see my mates eyes, her fur in your coyote even your personality is like her-" I turned my head slightly gazing into a mirror that leans on the wall by my draws seeing his reflection clearly and that he had tears running down his face. This is the second time he's shown weakness but the first he's cried in my presence. The first time was when my mother died leaving him in a depressed state for months locking himself away until he got the strength to get out of bed.
This was a moment that he truly showed me he cared this must have been the man my mother fell for the sensitivity in this man made him human and not just an emotionless shell. "-I couldn't be around you because all I saw was her and it killed me a bit more to know that she's gone that she won't be able to see how amazing you are the way she brought you up to care for everyone. Im dying Philip everyday I wake up and cough up more blood I miss her so much that my heart can't take it I saw you when you was born and I knew you was born to be a leader not like your brother-"
Tears were now escaping my eyes with every word he said. "Stop please I need to say something." My body turned to face the mess of a man stood in front of me seeing him tear faced and shaken made me see my old dad the one that used to smile when he saw me in my mothers arms.
"I love mother and I love Dan with all my heart. And I can't bring myself to hate you. And I don't know why. You ignored me all those years leaving me to be down graded to omega status by people I'm expected to lead. And now the one person that made them believe I could do this is dead just like mother believed in me from birth too-"
I walked over towards the alpha until we were face to face looking into each other's eyes watching the salty liquid stain our cheeks. "-I can't bring myself to hate you father but I can't bring myself to love you either." He gave out a sigh of relief and his eyes held hope for the first time in a long time. He placed his shaking hand on my cheek, wiping all the tears away before speaking again.
"I'm truly sorry for what I have put you through and I'm going to do everything in my power to find your brother and make him pay for what he has done to you. I promise you son."
Those two words released a new batch of tears then he pulled me into his strong arms in a tight embrace letting me cry into his black dress shirt.
"Come we have work to do." Then he was back the blank emotion and sharp tone in his voice empathising his alpha status but for some reason it didn't bother me anymore. I wiped away the tears with my hands then rubbing them on my jeans putting on my blank expression but this time I was happy on the inside no longer clouded by worry but smothered in hope.
We walked out of the room and into the meeting room with a desk that sat at the very back piled with papers and files along with filing cabinets and book shelves on the left of the wall and on the right was a plush four seater sofa and a glass coffee table that had coasters scattered across it. Some up side down on the red rouge carpet that spread across the whole of the room giving it a homy feel.
At the far end there was a portrait of my mother and my father and who I was guessing my older brother all smiling happily but my fathers smile didn't reach his eyes it's almost forced and my mothers was full of sadness and disappointment where's my brothers showed fear and his eyes full of unshed tears. So much emotion in one painting one part of me wanted to find the artist and praise them for being able to capture all this in one painting and the other wanted to know why everyone was like this. Looking closer I saw a metal chain my mother was wearing with a small wolf and a yellow diamond for the eye.
"I gave her a choice of the one with a coyote on it you know but your mother she was a stubborn one. She said 'it reminds me of you' I wanted her to be happy" my father explained why the pendent may have count my eye but that wasn't it. It was the way she was gripping it like it was her life line and the look in her eye that shone through the sadness I looked closer and saw that her right hand was holding her stomach like she was protecting something. I look around my neck where a metal chain always lays my mother gave this to me and I didn't even know why. Now I know looking at the wolf the eyes wasn't yellow it But before it was hazel. I unclipped the chain placing in onto the desk where my father was now sat.
"This is why mother gave this to me. She knew that brother would do this DIDNT SHE!" He froze staring at the pendent in disbelief.
"ANSWER ME FATHER!" He sighed picking up the chain running it through his fingers timidly.
"Okay yes she knew. It was the day of this painting actually. She told he that you'd be born different to the rest that she could feel it and that Cameron will try to do something to wreck your happiness. But he was also my child so I didn't believe her ending up in an argument and Cameron heard us. That's when he started getting the thoughts of leaving the pack that he didn't want to become the alpha because his baby brother will over power him some day and he will be left alone."
"But you said that he wanted to be with humans that he wanted to live freely without a mate." He took a deep breath getting up and placing the chain back around my neck.
"That is partly true but after he announced that he was leaving he started to change to a point the pack started to notice. He wouldn't let your mother near him and tried to attack her in her sleep. Wanting to get rid of you. Your mother being the sensitive person she was didn't want you hurt but didn't want to loose her other child but she knew that he was going towards the path she knew he'd go to."
I gripped the wolf and looked at his eye confused. "If this is the same pendent then why after mother gave it to me did it turn hazel and why is it red now?"
"I can explain that as well you see that isn't a regular necklace the eye colour changes to the mate of that person and if the mates eye colour changes then so does the diamond on the wolf"
My mind was filled with so many questions but only one came to mind in an intent.
"Does that mean them at dans still alive."
I stared into my father eyes looking for a small sign of hope but he gave me none. Leaving nothing but an emotionless shell before a small smile found his lips and he placed a sturdy hand on my shoulder before saying.

"That is a strong possibility."

Hey guys! Sorry it's probably awful but oh well. Please let me know if your confused on what's happening and I'll catch you up X

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