Chapter 19

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Phils PoV:
It's been just over 2hours since my dad sent me away to my room so he could talk to the man at the door in 'private'. This meaning he has a guard by my door to make sure i didnt leave the 'safety' of my room. I know that means this man is a threat to me but im going to be the next alpha for crying out load! I can look after myself.
Looking towards the door I saw a dark shadow of one of the guards who looked to be slouching against the door frame. It didn't take long before I became impatient and stormed towards the door, twisting the handle and flinging the door open. The guard stumbled to stay on his feet before he squared up to me telling me to stay in my quarters for my own safety.
"I'm the next running alpha of the moonstar park I have lost my mate to my own brother and now he's being used against me. So don't tell me to sit and do nothing. Now move!"
Once glance into my yellow eyes he knew I wasn't up for a discussion on the matter and let me walk past.

Remind me to get better guards.
"I agree"
The gentle hum of cassy's voice soothes my senses as my body relaxed into her words.
"But remember that the force of an alpha is strong and not many can with stand that strength"
My lips turned up into a smirk knowing what she says is true. No one can with stand an alphas gaze not if they value their lives.
The longer I walked the quicker I realized where I was heading. The door stood over 10 feet tall and built out of red wood topped with two golden doorknobs that rested just level with my hip. The markings scratched into the master piece represented my father and his father before him; going back thousands of years.
Taking a deep breath I rested my sweeting palm on the handle twisting it until a small *click* was heard. Opening the door just enough for me to slip into the room unnoticed by my father, who was sat in his office with the visitor in a small room that lead off of the main meeting room.
Looking around the room wasn't much more than a large,round table (kind of like a donut) and a few posh lights to give the space a honey glow.
Each velvet red curtain draped over two fairly large windows and a glass door leading out to the gardens filled with all sorts of flowers.
Just as mother liked it...
She used to love the garden she spent most of her days there telling me stories of how she wished to see the world but never picked up the courage to leave my father. She said she loved him too much.
That's one of the last conversations I had with her before she...
"MY Son?!" The commanding voice of my father startled me out of my thoughts before I got lost inside my own mind.
I turned towards a smaller door to the left of the meeting table and pressed my ear against the door listening to my father and the stranger.
The power radiating off of his words made cass cower in fear.

"Sir...I didnt mean any disrespect..." The voice was gentle almost like he was trying to be understanding.


"Sir if we don't act now then my alpha will kill your whole pack and make you and your son watch. just please think about the offer..."

"Get out." There was a shuffle then a whisper before...
The door flung open making my body fall on top of the visitors chest.
Looking at his face is say he was about 22 years old and was in the battle troops. I say was because he reeks of new born child.
When we both got to our feet I took a closer look at his posture and his clothes. He wore mostly black all but his t.shirt that clung to his chest revealing his tone 6 pack. His eyes were covered by black shades making his hair fall just above them.
"Watch where your going kid" he's voice was strong but soft to the touch.
Wait did he just call me kid?
"HEY! I'm no kid buddy."
"Oh yeah..." He lowered his shades revealing two dark purple eyes that traced down my body; drinking in every curve sending shivers down my spine and not in a good way "you look like one to me" slowly moving his glasses back up his nose he covered his eyes and walked out the small room to stop at the main entrance. He turned his head slightly removing his shades completely showing me at his eyes true colour. Red.
Then he was gone.
"Phil...I need to talk to you"
Facing my father I saw the room that I thought was small wasn't as small as I originally thought. His desk sat an angle facing the door to the right their was a room length window looking out at the mums favorite parts of the garden then a bookshelf on the far left where a spare chair say in the corner.
"Come and sit down son"
How much you betting it's not good
"I'm betting £20"
Your so on!
"Phil...that was the beta of the clan south from here. His alpha has made me a deal that I have yet to discuss the terms."
He looked me in the eyes and I saw tears ready to fall. My palms are sweeting and my hands are shaking.
The air is suffocating as I start panting for breath.
"I don't know what the easiest way to say this"
"What?! Just tell me! I shouldnt be sat here I need to find Dan!" My patience is running thin and he knows it.

"Philip...the deal is if you don't find Dan in 4 days then you....

... are to marry and complete the mating bond with his next ruling daughter Alexandra. To unite the packs"

The words won't even come out of my mouth. Pain stabbed through my heart a thousand times a second. There's no way I could...

"Dad there's no way I can find Dan in 4 days there beta is rogue! And I bet he's working for brother!" Tears stain my face showing my weakness but right now I don't care. They are going to take everything from me.
My dad was by my side in seconds holding me close to his body like mother used to...I don't try to stop the memory from flowing the pain just doesn't stop.
"Mummy!" A tear stained Boy ran up to a woman who's voice was full of love and passion. Like a dove dancing in the bluest of skies. Her white gown lay in a circle around her sitting form the gardens surrounding her beauty. "What happened Philip?" Tears continue to fall making my shirt cling onto the boys body "Brother hit me again!"
"Right I'll talk to father okay?" She always knew what to do.
"Brother hates me doesn't he mother..." Silence. "I think he's trying to kill me..." Her face dropped and that was the first time the boy saw fear in his mothers eyes. "He loves me doesn't he mother? He won't hurt me on purpose would he mother?" That's the day I was closed off from the world. And even from my own brother.

End of flashback.

Looking into my fathers eyes I saw what I saw in mothers eyes that day. Fear. Fear of losing someone you love "That's why I'm going to help.."

Writers note
Sorry it's been ages but I've not been very well I'm still not 100% but you guys deserve and update I'll update again soon promise 😁✨. Please comment and tell me what you think and if anything needs changing coz I'm still learning x

Thanks guys 😁✨

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