A very fairy breakfast

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*Gina's pov*

I walk downstairs to be greeted by a pleasing aroma from the kitchen. It was bacon,no it was waffles,no it was both!

I stood in confusion for a second because my mom would only prepare a big breakfast on special occasions like my birthday,Christmas or if someone special had come. I quickly thought of my dad who had been serving overseas for the past nine months.

I quickly run (or more like sprint) down the stairs trying not to fall over any steps. The biggest grin ever appears on my face. I reach the bottom to see....

No one, no one at all but my mom. I made a slight frown. She turned her head and looked at me with a simple, sweet smile. The sight of her quickly makes me forget my disappointment.

"What's the special occasion?" I ask with a sly-brow.

"Oh,nothing." she says in a slightly alarmed voice.

She kept looking at the dining table and then back at me. I saw a drop of sweat rush down the side of her face.

"You okay mom?" I question.

"Of course" she replies quickly

She gives me a look which tells me I should just leave it alone.

"Okay......" I saw awkwardly. I was about to leave when I saw an insect hovering over a dining chair. Not flying,just hovering.

"I'll get it!" I yelled and grabbed a nearby magazine and was about the eliminate the insect when I heard something.

"Stop!!!!" a tiny voice yelled quickly.

What?A bug talking? I did just as the "thing" said and came to a halt.

I look closer and I see its not a bug at all,its a person,a very tiny person.

She had straight shoulder-length strawberry-blonde hair. She wore a dress as yellow as marigolds that covered her feet. She had wings about the size of a tiny butterfly's but it had a wonderful array of colours. I stared in awe at the beautiful person.

"Is that how you greet your godmother? By attempting murder!?" the tiny human ranted.

"G-godmother?" I stuttered.

"Yes,I'm Veronica, your FAIRY godmother!" she giggled.

I gasped as my jaw dropped as low as it could.

Should I continue my story? Please tell me and I'll do another chapter. Please tell your friends about my book,thanks!

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