the only part

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Demri Lara Parrott was more than we thought she was. She was more that what we know of her. She was not JUST Layne Staley's girlfriend; she was one who loved so much and taught unconditional love and happiness to others. Although what I may know of her is very little, she and I seem to have a connection and similarities. In many ways, she was a phenomenal women; whether it'd be helping someone out or creating a fun, loving environment, she was a bright light in a small room. According to her friends, she was the funny one. She loved to make people laugh, which is probably why she was loved so much. Although she did get into drugs, it isn't something that should be focused on when remembering her. She will be remembered as a bright, artistic and loving women who was also one of the most beautiful women I've seen.

"Chaos queens; whisper and stare; I walk by, watch them blare;.."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2016 ⏰

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