A side never seen

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          [A/N: Hey!!!! This is my first fanfiction, so I hope you guys like it. I am a huge 11/River shipper so there is of course going to be then in it;). Anyways enjoy!]
The doctor was terrified when River burst into the Tardis with tears streaming down her face. This was a side of her that in the 100 years they had been married, he had never seen before.
          "Is everything ok?" He asked with as calm of a voice as he could muster.
          "No! Everything is not ok!" River practically yelled back. When she saw the broken look on the doctor's face she broke down into sobs. "How am I supposed to do this? Why do things have to be this way? I don't know what to do!"
            The doctor does not handle emotions very well. That is one of the many reasons he married River, because she rarely shows emotion and when she does it's normally anger. But at that moment, when River broke down, his instincts kicked in and he ran over to River and embraced her.
              He sat there, on the floor of the Tardis with her in his arms gently stroking her hair. How long they sat there?  He didn't know, but only when her sobs stopped did he dare get up. He gently lifted her, carried her into their bedroom, laid her on their bed, and crawled in beside her.
             The doctor laid there with arms around his wife,  his chin gently resting in her head wondering what could cause her to break down like this.
The only time he had ever seen her she'd a tear was at the Library. Looking back on it now he knew why she had been crying . He had put her through too much in that one day, yet she decided to sacrifice her life to save him.
He had to make it up to her. The first step was being there for her now when he wouldn't be able to in her future.

[A/N: What do you guys think so far? I am open to suggestion and help so fell free to comment and vote! Thank you guys so much for reading!]

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