The Morning

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        When River woke up all she could remember from the night before was walking into the Tardis and breaking down. She slowly rolled out of bed and realized that she smelt something. It actually smelt like breakfast!
         She walked into the Tardis to see the doctor attempting to cook waffles , but instead making a huge mess. After watching him struggling for quite some time she finally  wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on his back. The doctor turned around with a surprised look on his face and fully embraced her.
          "I'm sorry for last night" River softly spoke while never letting go of the doctor. " I must have been a complete mess. I don't know what got into me."
           "Don't worry about it!" The doctor replied with his cheery voice. "I'm your husband. I'm supposed to be here for you."
         Then he gently lifted her face until her cheeks were cupped in his hands and she was gazing at him with her deep hazel eyes. "Don't ever be afraid to express your feelings in front of me Melody Pond. I will always be here for you."
          With that River kissed the doctor deeply and passionately like it had been a thousand years since their last kiss.

Two days earlier:
River had just gotten back to Stormcage from traveling with her husband, when she found a Tardis blue card lying on her bed. She knew it must be from a younger version of her doctor, and she figured what the invitation was to. She had been dreading this day for a long time and now it was here. It was the day that she would watch her younger self shoot her husband.
            River was up all night trying to figure out how she would act and what she would say when she saw the doctor. She was well experienced with the doctor and her timelines not matching, but this time would be different. She would have to act like it was any normal day, when in reality it was the day her husband would die. Of course he wouldn't really die, he was safely inside the teselecta which was programmed to look like him. Even though River knew all this she was dreading having relive what it was like to be trapped in that space suit all those years ago and having to watch her parents grieve the death of their best friend.
When she decided what she would say, she teleported herself to the coordinates given in the card. When she landed she looked into the distance and saw her parents getting off the bus, and the doctor leaning against the car...with a stetson on his head. A stetson! What is it with him and his hats? Of course River did what she had to do. She shot it off his head with a hello sweetie following. "River!" all three of the others yelled. "Oh am I dreading this day" thought to herself. While on the outside everything was great, inside River was getting torn apart piece by piece the closer it came to being at Lake Silencio.
   A/N I'm sorry these aren't long! I've been so busy so in trying to keep this story going, but it takes so long to right. Next time I'm going to try my hardest to get at least a thousand words. Thank you guys soooo much for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2015 ⏰

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