Unintended Declarations

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(Luke's POV)

I awoke in our shared hotel room. We had moved the two queen beds into the centre of the room the night before so I now lay with my legs sprawled on Michael's face, and my head resting on Calum's chest. I scrambled off the makeshift bed, tripping over the draping sheets, cascading off the disheveled mattress. I heard the whistle of the kettle as well as a stream of cuss words and followed the scent of burning toast towards the miniature kitchen. There I saw Ashton holding his throbbing hand under the drizzle of the tap.

"Shit, dude, what did you do?" I almost laughed.

"Oh, I don't know, just BURNT MY HAND!"

I grabbed a couple of ice cubes wrapped them in a hand towel and passed them over. I then started to gather a less destructive breakfast of my own when I voice penetrated my wall of thought.

"So what was happening between you and Calum last night?" Ashton queried.

"Uh, um, nothing," I replied a little too quickly.

"I know something was going on. If you don't want to talk about it that's fine. But just so you know, I'm hear for you no matter who or what you are-"

"I'm not anything! Well nothing out of the ordinary..." I lied.

"Ok, ok mate, I didn't mean it like that, I'm sorry," he stepped back, hands in the air, retreating. I turned and fled to the bathroom, tears burning my eyes, attempting to drizzle out and damped my façade. I just lied to one of my best friends, no, not a best friend, a brother. Not to mention I completely denied who I really was.

The handle clicked into place as I locked the door behind me streaks of salt stained my flustered cheeks, I knew I was going to have to come clean one day, but today wasn't that day. In case you haven't guessed, I Luke Hemming's have fallen deep into the well of love and am pining after my band mate, best friend and brother (not actually there's no incest going on here) Calum Hood. And he has absolutely no idea.

When the tears had stopped welling in my eyes I returned to the kitchen to see Michael and Ashton attempting to make a breakfast that wouldn't end up as a fire hazard.

"Where's Cal?" I queried with a wobble in my voice, giving away my previous blubber session.

"I think he's still sleeping, lazy shit. Hey, you okay there mate?" Came Michael's response. I shared a glance with Ashton before plastering a false smile on my heated face.

"Yeah I'm great." I then turned on my heel and went to find Calum.

"Lukey," Calum drawled.

"Morning Cal," I smiled.


I stood awkwardly for a second before remembering that he still didn't know. Shrugging my shoulders I collapsed onto the makeshift bed and snuggled my head into his chest.

"I love you Cal," I mumble before I could stop the words from tumbling out of my disobedient mouth.

"What was that Lukey?" He looked down into my eyes.

"Oh, um, nothing. Just that we need to get ready, we have an interview at 10," I rambled.

"Oh, yeah, that. Spose we should get ready then," he said while gently rolling me off him and walking towards his still packed suitcase. Well, I ruined that perfect moment...

(Calum's POV)

He didn't know I heard him, but I did... Does he really love me in that way?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2015 ⏰

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