Chapter 1: the first day

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I nervously look over the complete application and with a shaky sigh press send. There. I just applied to Stanford. I mean it's a long shot, but there's no use in trying. I slump back in my chair and look over to my best friend Conner. He replies back with a shrug. "I don't know. It is a hard school."

I raise a brow,"Oh Reagan, you'll get into that school for sure." I mock.

He chuckles,"Sorry. I think you are able to get in. I just don't want you to give up on yourself if you don't."

I look down at my keyboard. There's a quiet silence that falls between us, only the quiet chatter from the other students as they work is heard.

"I could always become a nomad. Move to Cambodia."

He chuckles whilst shaking his head. "You're crazy."

I wave a finger. "I may be crazy, but you're my best friend. That makes you just as much crazy if not more."

"Agree to disagree." He smiles, suddenly looking up. His smile fades quickly.


"Nothing." He begins biting his lip, a sign that he's nervous. "Just don't turn around."

I don't even have to turn around to know who he's talking about.

"What is that god awful smell?" Elliot Quimby plugs her pointy nose with her bright green nail polish. The group of fake boobs around her do the same.

They begin looking under chairs and tables, as if trying to locate this so called "smell", until one of the boobs named Kimberly points to me menacingly. "I found the smell! And boy is it bad!" Soon Kimberly is surrounded by the rest of the fake boob squad and their ultimate fake boob leader, Elliot.

Elliot smirks at me mischievously before wagging a finger at me. "Sweetheart don't you know? You're supposed to actually shower more than once a month."

I feel Conner tense up next to me. His face goes rigid. "Shut up, Elliot." He mutters.

Elliot, however, doesn't give two licks what Conner has to say and continues to open her mouth. "I swear guys she must be the nastiest person in this school."

"Even more than Riley McGuire?" One of the boobs ask. Riley McGuire. For all of you who aren't familiar on who he is, let me just start of by saying he was sent home last year for "disturbing the learning". Yes, he stinks, and it's his own fault too. His parents are the Vice Presidents of the biggest law firm in West Ohio, and I swear the boy pees gold. He just doesn't care what he looks or smells like. But as many times as I have forgotten to brush my teeth in the morning I promise I don't smell compared to Riley McGuire.

"Oh she has Riley beat by a long shot."

"Maybe they should date!" One squeals.

My face soon grows hot with embarrassment. Conner senses it immediately and stands up from the table. He looks Elliot straight in the eyes and the room suddenly grows silent. It seems as if everyone in the room has sensed the tension and peels away from their recent discussion to watch the live action.

"I'll only say it again. I'm loosing brain cells merely looking at you. Leave Reagan alone. I'm not going to tell you again. The next time you'll be sorry." Conner back peddles slowly from the table, leaving Elliot at a loss for words. She stands there baffled, completely baffled that someone actually stood up to her. That someone actually threatened her.

Conner merely takes his things and grabs my arm. "Come on Reagan." I'm at a loss of words myself. What just happened? Quiet Conner stood up to Elliot? That just doesn't happen. And as he pulls me out of the library the bewildered looks on the others faces proves my point.

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