Chapter 2: dream hacker

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It's been two days since my encounter with Elliot. My stomach churns at the slightest mention of her name. And because I go to school with her, there's not a time that doesn't pass that I don't hear it.

"What's wrong?" I look up from my smoothie and into a pair of worried eyes. Conner raises a brow wiliest taking a sip from his smoothie.

"Oh nothing. You know me, just your average Reagan Holly stress case stuff." I begin biting my nails, a habit Conner knows all too well.

"So this would have nothing to do with the Opener at Dawson's this Friday?" I look up from my nails. "You know?"

"I may not be in the "it" crowd, but I do go to high school. The lunch ladies know about Dawson Hill's party."

"No...I mean about Elliot Quimby asking me to come.."

His face turns into one of concern. "What do you mean she wants you to come?"

"I'll take that as a no-"

"What do you mean Elliot Quimby wants you to come?" He repeats, this time more firm.

"Monday, the day you defended me against her.."

"Yeah.." He urges.

I sigh. "Well I couldn't just wait for her to initiate a plan with her fake boob squad, so I talked to her."

"About what?"

I begin biting my lip. Another bad habit of mine. "I asked her to back off."

"You what?" Conner's whole demeanor changes into one of anger and betrayal.

"I couldn't just let something happen to you Conner! You stood up for me, why couldn't I stand up for you?"

He shakes his head. "That's not the point. You're not my mom I don't need you fighting my battles for me!" He stands from his chair and throws a five on the table.

"I was just trying to help!" I stammer. This is not my fault. I was just trying to help him. Just like he was just trying to help me.

Conner makes his way to the front doors of the smoothie bar. He turns around suddenly, his face reddening. That's how I can tell he's angry. "You should go to the party. After all, you were invited." And with that he leaves.

I sigh deeply. The only time Conner's ever been this mad at me was when I killed his pet turtle. But we were five. And at the time it involved a simple sorry and a hug followed by a very creative burial service provided by my sandbox. This is different. I don't think a sorry or a hug will fix this. Although I think me ten feet under in a sandbox wouldn't sound so bad to him right now.

I pay the barista for our smoothies and grab my bag.

How will I fix this?


My apartment duplex is two blocks from the smoothie bar. And since Conner was my ride I had to walk. I forgot my headphones in my locker, otherwise I would have listened to music. So instead I was left with my inner thoughts. And as I started getting closer to my front door, the more angry I got about the situation with Conner. Not only did he leave me without a ride, but he was short on the smoothie, and made me feel like a jerk just for defending the guy. And that shouldn't happen! He's my best friend, what else was I supposed to do? Wait around in a lawn chair with some popcorn and watch it happen? No! He's over exaggerating and needs to grow up!

I heave out a big sigh as I scramble around for my house keys. My dad works during the day at the local paper mill and doesn't get home until dark. And my older brother Devin is away at college. Oh the envy. So for now it's just me myself and I.

The first thing I do is rush upstairs to my laptop. I know it's only been a few hours, but I have to check my emails. Who knows, maybe Stanford replies quickly?

To my dismay there wasn't an email from Stanford. Just some spam emails for a free cruise to Italy and a 50% off coupon for a car wash. I slump into my bed, sitting my laptop aside. How is it that Conner did all the wrong yet I feel so bad?

Rolling my eyes I dig my phone out of my pocket and start typing him a message. Not more than two sentences in my phone goes off. An unknown number appears at the top of the screen. My brows scrunch up in confusion as I press on the message. It opens up as follows;

Did you think I was kidding? Come to the party! We'd love to have you. (:

I don't even have to ask to know who it is. But like a good girl, I reply back.

Why? Why do you want me to come so bad?

Not more than a minute later my phone goes off again. I open the message and stare at the screen in horror. Something. Something I didn't want anyone to know and of all people Elliot Quimby knows.

Come. Or I'll send your secrete to everyone I know.

I don't argue. I don't ask why. With a strained expression and my right eye twitching I type back a single sentence.

What time does it start?

As I wait for a reply I can't help but think of every possible scenario of how Elliot Quimby could have known this secrete I spent way too long trying to hide. Maybe she came up with a way to read through my mind and find the day in question. Or maybe hired a dream hacker to enter the depths of my subconscious. stomach begins to churn and I begin to think the worst.

There are only two people who know of that secrete. Me, and the person who was there; Conner.

I'm completely baffled. Would Conner do that? I mean I know he's mad at me...but he wouldn't do this....would he?

Although I do know one thing, I will not let Elliot or her group of preps scare me. And I will not, without hesitation let my best friend betray me.


Sorry it's a little short but I wanted to get it done. Let me know what you think!


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