APoM: Our Lives Chapter 11

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CHAPTER ELEVEN -- Feeling small and insignificant

"And how will we be spending this lovely day?" I muttered, half of my body lounging over Eridanus's lap while the other half hung over the couch. 

Once again, the rain rhythmically tapped against the many windows of the house. 

English weather much?

"I dunno... I just want to crawl back into bed." My vampire mate replied, running his fingers through my long, black hair. My own fingers were tangled in Fenrir's blond hair. He was sitting on the floor with his back leaned against the couch. 

Annabelle was looking out of the window with a wistful look in her eyes. Jalex didn't seem to concerned about the 'house arrest', she was on her phone. Sunny was playing a game of cards with Artemis - Bull Sh*t, if I remember correctly - and it seemed that Artemis was winning. For now. Thierra was...somewhere. Last I had checked, she wasn't even in the house. 

Pulling out my own phone, I held it up in the air to find the Internet connection. A stream of curses escaped my mouth as my phone was snatched out of my fingers by a certain smirking Eridanus. 

"Hey, where's Cepheus?" Annabelle stood up, turning her back to the window to face us. 

I blinked at her. Eridanus shifted and lifted me into his lap. Fenrir moved and sat next to us. "Cepheus?" I asked dumbly. Honestly, I had not noticed that he and Jalex had not been attached by the hip. Why? I think my ignorance of the matter came from two certain half incubus creatures that had made my morning a semi-living hell. Why only semi? Because most would enjoy two tall, handsome males chasing them around a blasted house and all for a morning kiss and cuddle. Not me. They chased me. While I was a girl, then a boy and then a blasted wolf! And they didn't stop. 

They never stopped. 

But moving on. Because of the major distraction, I had not really payed much attention to the wear-abouts of the other people who stayed in my house. 

"Hey, whose outside?" Annabelle asked as she looked back out of the window. I stood up and walked over to her. Eridanus seemed reluctant to let me go, so I turned back to him. 

"Hug him." I ordered. "Leave me be." I added as I pointed to Fenrir. I didn't stand still to see if he would actually listen to me. I walked straight over to Annabelle. 

"Oh. It's Cepheus." I observed as we watched the soaking wet figure trudge closer to the house. We could already tell the tell-tale signs of scales climbing up his legs. And then he fell to the floor. 

"Oh S***." I yelped before I dashed out of the door. "Guys!" I called from outside, trying to help the transforming merman up. Of course, that had little success. His tail weighed more than my male form, and even though I was currently a girl, I was still having difficulty picking him up. 

I could have slapped myself. Concentrating on my magic once again, I quickly muttered a lovely spell that J.K. Rowling had thought up, obviously not ever expecting that one would ever use it. 

The second I muttered the spell, Cepheus's tail lifted off the ground.


It took us quite a while to dry Cepheus off enough to help him change back. 

Given that fact, we had left the room a while ago to retire back to the sitting room and wait. Jalex remained by Cepheus, of course. I was almost 100% that they were already mates. I wouldn't be surprised. Not everyone was me. 

Not everyone was so ridiculously perverted and yet 'pure' at the same time...in a way. A sick, dark, twisted way. 

To cut the long matter short, I lost track of whatever had happened while I was out, because at some point, I fell asleep. I could feel and hear the heart beat of someone against my ear, but I wasn't sure whose heart beat I was listening to. 

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