Chapter 5

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Authors Note: This is the last chapter of this book so I hope you enjoy also please read the note at the bottom!

3 hours later...

Hanna, aria, Mona, Emily, Mrs. Cavanaugh, caleb and Toby were all waiting in the waiting room of the hospital waiting for any news good or bad on Spencer. The doctor came out and said

"Spencer is doing well, we expect her to be awake within the next week or so!"

"Can we see her?" Toby asked hopefully

"Yes, yes you can! Room 214 at the end of the corridor!" The doctor replied

Everyone stood up and rushed to Spencer's room. They opened the door to see Spencer lying on the hospital bed, she looked so peaceful and content. Toby went over to the chair beside her bed and held her hand. Everyone had their turn of talking to Spencer even though she wasn't awake, she could still hear them.

2 hours later...

At this point Mrs cavanaugh had gone back to Toby's loft to take a rest and Mona had left to get coffee with aria, Hanna and caleb. So it was only Emily and Toby left. They were chatting about Spencer and just life in general when Toby felt Spencer squeeze his hand. He turned to her and said

"Spencer?" Her eyes fluttered open and she began to cough lightly.

"Hey, how you feeling?" Emily asked in a hushed voice

"Like crap!" Spencer said sitting up

"Well I hate to break the news but you look like it to!" Hanna said walking in the door with coffees in hand

"Thanks Han, and nice to see you to!" Spencer said to Hanna

Toby kissed Spencer on the forehead, Spencer was confused and asked

"What was that for?" Toby sat back down and replied with

"Because I love you!"

This gained them 'awws' from Hanna and Emily.

"Well for the record I love you too!" Spencer whispered into Toby's ear

Authors Note: Someone asked me if I could write a book about Spoby starting a family, which I'm happy to write but I just don't know,

How to start it? Where to start it? What drama could happen? Are Spencer and Toby married? How many kids do they have and what are their names? Is there an -A and if so who should it be? Are all the girls still friends? What do Spencer and Toby do for a living?

Just stuff like that, so if you guys could let me know what you think that would be awesome! Thanks!

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