Chapter 6

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The woods we were in weren't all that big, but it was nice and dense, which meant that people couldn't see us from outside and not many people came in the woods anyway. As I looked at the leaves shrouding the oak tree I was marking all I could think of was a pair of leaf eyes shimmering and staring at me, they looked so familiar but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't place a face to those eyes. I shook the thought out of my head and rather focused on the eyes of liquid silver that belonged to my beta; my lone wolf. I've known him less than a week yet it feels like I've known him for years. I care for him way too much... but only in a brother and sister way. But I know that if anything bad ever happens to him that I will only blame myself: and I fear that I will crash and burn bringing my whole pack with me.

A shiver ran down my distracting me from my train of thought. What an idiot I'd been letting myself get so distracted like that! Slowly I turned around and confirmed my fears:  a small band of rogues, you could tell they were rogues everything about them; from their putrid smell, matted fur, dull and untrusting eyes that were constantly shifting that they lived it rough and were highly dangerous. They were heading in from the east side, closest to me. I wiped a paw across my face. This was just so typical of me to get taken away with the fairies and completely miss vital signs about something as dangerous as this.

'Heads up guys, rogue alert,' I called to them through our mind link, my voice surprisingly calm.

‘Rodger,’ my beta called.

‘I see ‘em,’ Jace projected.

‘Let’s kick some rogue but!’ Leon retorted, bouncing around like a young puppy.

Jade just stood there and simply nodded.

‘Get behind me.’

‘Ahem no way, you’re my beta I’m the Alpha it’s my job to protect the pack and then it’s yours if I cop it and head to the big ol’ forest in the sky.’

My lonely wolfs protective growl ripped through the clearing making the approaching rogues open their eyes in shock when they realised it wasn’t directed at them but me, the obvious Alpha of the pack.

I couldn’t help it. My wolf side took control and took me by my lonely wolf’s side in seconds. He didn’t look afraid. This only angered my wolf even more making me grab his throat and slam him to the floor with my paws over his muzzle forcing him down with me growling lightly whilst leaning over him. The whole process didn’t harm him it was just a way for my inner wolf to display dominance. Slowly I returned to consciousness my human side regaining control. Shocked I jumped back away from him giving him encouraging nudges with my nose. I even went so far as to drop my tail between my legs, one of the ultimate signs of respect, fear and defeat.

A low threatening growl rumbled around the clearing but this time it was feral showing no signs of respect. I whipped around to face the intruders raising my tail to it’s usual position and in one slick movement I shouldered my now standing beta behind me. I promised to myself he would not get hurt in this fight.

I shifted into a fighting stance – head and body low, tail and ears raised – I scoped out the six different rogues, instantly finding the leader, a colossal black wolf with bright amber eyes staring right through me and focusing on my beta, his expression unreadable.

My mind went blank and my eyes saw red. I rushed the wolf alone, no orders to my pack to attack, but just to leave this one to me.

*                                                                *                                                              *

A/N: Oh My GAWSH! Thank you all so much! Just over 250 views and I'm pretty much jumping for joy! And you all got me to #456 in the werewolf charts! Knowing how many werewolf stories there are out there I feel so happy!

Sorry that this one was just a bit of a filler for the next one. I guess as a reward (and compensation), I will make the next one an epic fight story and plus I have a few twists to the plot planned (; Just so you know.  Keep reading, and stay awesome (; x

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2011 ⏰

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