The Taste Of Poison

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Damon POV

I wandered after her, after all I needed to get reacquainted with the woman whom reminded me of bourbon in female form. She was toxic and addictive. Figures I'd won Elena over and now here I was playing with the fire that was Erika Clark. Soon enough I'd caught up with her and smirked seeing her drinking a glass of scotch with her feet up on the bar, secured tightly in crimson heels. She glanced at me and before I knew it I was taking a seat beside her and ordering myself a glass.

"Didn't I tell you Damon all those years ago I'd see you again." She laughed slightly and downed her glass before asking the blonde bartender to get her another. I glanced around seeing the blonde bartender talking to a black gentleman who of course looked just as sketchy as everyone else in New Orleans.

"Mmm I just didn't know you were the mother of the dangerous hybrid and so badass for a blonde."

"Badass isn't the word. Calculated bitch is more like it." We shared a laugh and cheers to a drink before downing then and refilling with the bottle now at our disposal. "I wasn't expecting every one of Niklaus' friends here, but then I realized that Augustine was becoming a issue again and they need to be taken out for good. They're coming here Damon. They're not just after vampires anymore. They're expanding their experimenting to werewolves and witches. Where better to start digging up dead bodies." I sighed slightly and rubbed my forehead before looking to her.

"Then what the hell are we still doing here?" I whispered slightly before resting a hand on her arm. "We can get everyone we care about out and~"

"And nothing Damon I have to take care of this. I'm done having Augustine even exist." Her jaw tensed before I sighed and placed my hand on her cheek, gentle stroking it with my thumb. She leaned into my touch and sighed placing her hand over mind as she closed her eyes for a moment. Once her eyes opened she moved away and rubbed her eyes. "Damon...stop. You're with that Petrova and I don't need to be involved with you again. Just cause Augustine made us have sex doesn't mean anything."

"Exactly, but we still felt something much as we hated every second in those cells...we felt something." She stood and looked me in the eyes before pressing a gentle kiss to my lips then pulled away.

"We felt lust...not love. Love doesn't exist for me. I don't believe in it at all Damon." With that she left and left me with my full glass of bourbon and the thoughts racing through my mind. The gentleman at the end of the bar chuckled making me glare at him for a moment.
"Can I help you with something?" Narrowing my blue hues at him before downing my drink. "I don't appreciate people eavesdropping on my conversations."

"Being a vampire how could I not? I merely found it entertaining that you're the one that has screwed Klaus mother. I can only imagine what would happen if he found out. I'm Marcel, Klaus'-"

"Klaus' bitch just like everyone else in this city." I rolled my eyes before watching the blonde refill my drink. It was obvious the two were in relations just by the way he watched her near me. "How about you keep your mouth shut and she stays among the living" I smirked slight before standing and downing my glass before wandering out of the bar. Glancing around I saw Erika wandering along into the woods before glancing back at me for a moment and smirking. I couldn't help but smirk before blurring after her and slowing down to walk beside her.

"That was Marcel my son's protege. He was king till my son defeated him and all of his people were slaughtered." She laughed slightly before shrugging. "Serves him right and now he's at the feet of a king." That smirk crossed her lips like it always did just as we wandered into the graveyard. I grumbled and followed her only to get stopped by an invisible force.

"Uh little help here?" She stopped and glanced back at me before sighing. She whispered some witchy mumbo jumbo and I was shoved in past the force field that held me out.

" The witches don't welcome everyone here. Of course I almost know every single one buried here." She mumbled and sat down looking around. "I built that force field for a reason. No one can get in except those who posses magic. No vampire no human no wolf." She looked down and closed her eyes for a moment as the leaves whirrled around and then suddenly stopped the moment she opened her golden orbs. "They've been watching the city. Augustine is here in very small numbers to investigate." My heart sunk. I could tell hers did as well as she stiffened and her emotions seemed to be hidden behind a mask of power. She would be the one to save the city. To save everything supernatural.

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